The shock on her face was even funnier knowing that they’d fucked.
“I would’ve thought what you two did last night made that obvious.”
“Nothing with Levi is obvious,” she pointed out. “And it’s not like you guys don’t have casual sex. I figured it was all the adrenaline from the break-in, and not getting any while you guys have been looking out for me. I never thought it actually meant anything.”
“Yeah, we’ve fucked our fair share of women,” I admitted. “But none of us ever mess with people who are important to our family. And you’re important, Evie.”
“But you’re not jealous?”
“No,” I answered honestly. “And before you think that means I don’t care enough to be jealous, that’s not it at all. That might’ve been the case for women at the club, but it’s not with you.”
“Then what is it?” she asked. “Mason and I made out. You went down on me. Levi and I…” She looked away, her entire face pink.
“You fucked.”
Her lips pursed as she flared at me. “Yes. We fucked. Happy?”
“I could be.”
She frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means my brothers and I care about you,” I said. “And we’re attracted to you.”
“I don’t want to come between any of you.”
“You won’t,” I promised.
I reached out and lightly touched her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze before pulling back. I wanted to hold her hand, but that would be too tempting. We needed to finish this talk before her mom woke up, because I had a feeling if we let things lie, she’d talk herself out of even considering what I was about to suggest. Right now, she was still struggling with her attraction to all three of us, and I needed her to be in that headspace to see the appeal outweighing the negatives—namely, what something like this would look like to the rest of the world.
“You’re right,” she agreed. “Because I’m not crossing that line again.”
“Or,” I suggested, “you could cross a couple other lines.”
“Like what?”
“We talked, and we’d like to share you.”
Technically, Levi hadn’t been a participating part of the discussion Mason and I had, but after having sex with Evie, I doubted my oldest brother was going to want to let her go. And it wasn’t like the three of us hadn’t shared the occasional club slut. The only difference here was that we didn’t want to just use Evie to get off and then go on our way.
“Share me?” She stared at me. “What, like I’d have three boyfriends or something?”
“Or something,” I said. “Just think about it, okay? Don’t blow it off because it’s not the norm. Try to picture what that could look like with us. And if it freaks you out too much, fine. But if you think it’s something you’d like to try, just say the word.”
I pushed back from the table and took our empty plates to the sink.
“Why don’t you go wake up your mom so we can get some breakfast in her before we figure out the best way to handle this new shitstorm we’re in.”
Chapter Fifteen
“Idon’t need to go to rehab. I’m doing just fine.”
My mom glared up at me from the couch and I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I tried to keep from shouting at her. I understood that addiction wasn’t some cut-and-dry thing that people could stop whenever they wanted, but I wished she would at least want to be sober.
“The trash can full of bottles and cans would suggest otherwise,” Tucker said from where he leaned against the wall, watching the exchange.
“You talk big for a high school dropout, biker trash.”