Page 119 of Making Choices

As much as I love the pair of them, the stark truth is they’ve caused a lot of heartache for everyone in their orbit, me included. I’ve spent more hours than I can count refereeing their fights. The secrets I hold on their behalf are numerous. My pride has been dented more than once by their callous disregard for my feelings. A good amount of the trauma that stalks me can be directly traced back to their bad choices.

When an Avicii remix starts to thump through the club, I let the music take hold of me again. Determined to maintain my high for as long as I can, I shake off the discomfort that dogs me at the knowledge that Zeke is nearby. Every ounce of distress I feel at his cruel rejection is purposely forgotten as I dance my cares away amongst the small portion of the Perth population that’s gathered in the club tonight.

I’m not sure how long I’m left to my devices.

It simultaneously feels like a fleeting moment and an eternity before the warm hands I’m becoming accustomed to link at the small of my back and I’m pulled into the warm embrace of the only man I fully trust with my fragile heart right now.

“Hear you dropped some MDMA,” Slash murmurs in my ear.

Falling still, I circle my arms around his neck, then tilt my head back to meet his eyes. “Are you gonna lecture me about it?”

Despite the loud music, it’s clear Slash comprehends my question. He shakes his head, then he drops his hands to my hips. Forcing me to turn, he steps up behind me. Palm flat against my belly, the other arm banded around my ribs, directly beneath my breasts, he moves us to the beat. As I grind on him, the erection that I felt earlier quickly swells against me.

Warm breath rushing over my neck, Slash tells me, “Next time you wanna get high, I expect you to come to me. I ever find out that you’ve accepted drugs from anyone else, even if it’s Hunter’s stuff, I’ll spank your arse ’til it’s scarlet. You won’t be able to sit for a week by the time I’m done with ya.”

My heel catches and I stumble.

Slash steadies me with ease.

Then he presses his hard length to my back, and we recommence dancing like he didn’t just cross a line we’ve never even come close to skirting before tonight.



“Not sure what the fuck you want me to do about it?” I tell Venom once I’ve followed him outside of the nightclub. Visibly pissed off that he’s interrupted my dance with Cherub, just after I pulled my best move, my annoyance is clear. “Don’t have time for any more of your bullshit tonight.”

Apparently non-plussed at my reminder of our failed mission, he leans back against the rendered wall of Club Mirage, knee bent with the sole of his boot braced on the drain that runs along the building. The cigarette clenched between his lips remains unlit, even though he flicks the wheel of his lighter over and over to spark the flame.

This is the first time we’ve been alone since the cemetery.

Tension emanates from us both.

It’s thick and unyielding.

If I was a better man, I’d seize this opportunity to lay my cards on the table.

As quickly as that thought enters my head, I ignore it.

“Thought you might be able to speak to—” Rather than say Cherub’s name, he lifts his chin in the direction of the club. “—see if she knows anythin’ about it.”

“Sure, I could do that,” I reply with a snicker. “As soon as hell freezes the fuck over.”

“Look, I know it’s a touchy fuckin’ subject, but the old ladies talk, especially to...”

When he trails off again to avoid directly naming her, I decide to call him on his shit. “Are you that fuckin’ cold-hearted that you can’t even say her name?” When Venom jerks like he’s been shot, I grin. Teeth flashing, malice lacing every word, I pour salt on his metaphorical wound. “Repeat after me, Lily… L-I-L-Y… Lily.”

“I’m… not—”

“Fuckin’ Nadia. Fuckin’ Cherub. It’s like the blind leadin’ the blind with those two. I swear, if one of them jumped off a bridge, the other one’d swan dive off after her with a smile on her damn face,” Sander declares as he storms out of the side door. The heavy metal clangs in his wake, then his steps grind to a halt as he spots Venom. “Can’t believe you had the balls to show ya face back here a second time.”

“What’s Nads done?” Venom asks.

I snort when he avoids Cherub’s name again. “Fuck you’re a one-man clown show.”

My ex-best friend glares at me.

“As much as I’d like to pin the blame on Nads, I’m pretty sure this was all my twin’s doin’.”