Page 120 of Making Choices

The memory of her lithe body plastered to mine before Venom decided to interrupt our night makes my heart skip a beat. Although I’ve dreamt of it more times than I can count, I’ve never had my hands on her curves like that before. Every peak and valley, each bend and dip, inch after glorious inch, there wasn’t a part of her that didn’t fit perfectly with me.

I clench my hands into fists as I fight the urge to storm into the club to reclaim her.

“Nads gave Cherub some of Hunter’s MDMA.”

As Venom kicks off the wall to splutter with barely suppressed rage, I burst into laughter.

How fucking ironic...

The first time I touch her, she’s destined not to remember in the morning.

My brother’s special concoction is ecstasy in its purest form.

It promises the user the best time they’ve ever had.

It also promises them zero regrets.

The same mind-bending properties that reduce inhibitions clears their short-term memory.

Sure, Cherub will be left with flashes of memories and vague hints of what happened, but she’ll have gaps big enough to drive a road train through.

Which is just my goddamned luck.

“How’s this funny to you?” Sander demands. “Cherub’s got enough to deal with without Nads gettin’ her hooked on shit.”

“You know Hunter wouldn’t give them anythin’ addictive.”

“Still...” Sander trails off when he realises that I’m not going to agree with him.

“She’s a grown woman,” I tell him. “For the first time in her life, she’s free to make her own choices, and if that means she wants to get high and fuck a random or two, I’m not gonna stop her.”

Venom growls at the mention of Cherub fucking anyone but him. As much as my own jealousy rears its head at the idea, I enjoy his transparent reaction.

Try as he might, he can’t even hide it.

Regardless of whether he’s admitted it to himself yet or not, it’s obvious that he regrets leaving her. I should be sympathetic, but even as that realisation dawns, Nadia’s warning flashes into my head, and my need to possess Cherub threatens to overwhelm me.

The idea of sharing her with Venom weighs heavily on me.

I don’t know if I can do it.

I know I don’t want to do it.

“Well, as nice as this catch-up has been,” I declare with clear sarcasm. “I’ve got better things to do.” Offering Venom a dismissive half-shrug, I continue. “I’m sure you can find your own way outta the city... you’ve had enough practice at it.”

Without waiting for whatever half-witted retort he eventually manages to concoct, I stride off. It’s easy to spot Cherub as she dances in the middle of the main dance floor. Every man with a functioning pair of eyes is watching her, but none of them can get close enough to touch her. The bouncers have done their jobs well, keeping a decent barrier around her while doing their best not to make it too obvious to my duchess that she’s being treated like a protected species.

As soon as I reach them, they step aside to let me through.

Knowing that she’s unlikely to remember much tomorrow, I abandon all subtlety. I sidle up to her, wrapping my arms around her and dragging her into my embrace without even trying to act like I have an ounce of chill. She comes willingly, looping her arms around my neck and allowing me to hold her close. The smile that graces her full lips is filled with adoration that I match in one of my own.

It’s the perfect moment.

One that I wouldn’t usually trust because if I hadn’t seen the photos of us in the pool, I would chalk up her ease with my proximity to the drugs coursing through her system.

I’ve sampled Hunter’s experiments so I know exactly how Cherub feels right now.
