Page 61 of Break Out

I walked Alexandra to the door to avoid Mom’s judgment or disappointment. At this stage, it felt like they went hand-in-hand.

After I locked the door, Aunt Abby stood at the kitchen counter with a bottle of chardonnay in hand. “My man’s picking me up here, so Jackie, unless you want another glass, I’m polishing this off.”

Mom took her red Solo cup to Aunt Abby. “No, you’re splitting that with me.”

Aunt Abby held the bottle aloft. “Why? Because you’re stressed about Simone’s new living arrangements?”

“Yes, amongst all the other things, Abigail.”

She stared at Mom for a moment before she poured the wine. Aunt Abby caught my eyes. “How good is he?”

Mom gasped. “Abby, I don’t need to know—”

She wagged a finger at Mom. “Jacqueline. Every woman deserves happiness. Happiness includes a healthy sex life. So what if he leads the fuckin’ Devil Lancers. As long as he’s good to our girl, that’s what matters.”

Mom glared at Abby. “It’d be nice if she had a good man in her bed.”

Abby shrugged a shoulder. “Good men come in all shapes and sizes. There are people who think your man isn’t very good. But you and I know they’re wrong.”

“This isn’t the same,” Mom muttered.

“Oh, but it really is, Jackie.”

Mom threw her hand out in my direction. “She could go to jail! Then what happens to my grandbaby?”

Abby’s head tilted in question. “Has Volt ever put you in a position where you’d be incriminated?”

Mom kept quiet.

“Right. Nor has Blood done that to me. Open those eyes, Jackie. The way Steel looks at her, he’s not gonna do that either.”

“He fucking better not.”

Aunt Abby’s head dipped. “Right. And if he does, I’ll lead the brigade to cut him into eighty-five little pieces and scatter his sorry ass across the Southeast.”

“Geez, eighty-five is rather specific. Vengeful much?” I asked.

Aunt Abby made big eyes at me. “Very. Now, how good is he? Scale of one to ten.”

I didn’t hesitate. “Best ever.”

Aunt Abby’s expression fell. “Really?”


Mom downed her wine. “We’re so fucked.”

Aunt Abby grinned. “No, she is. And I’d say, that’s how she wants it.”

“What are you so worried about, Mom?”

That earned me a glare. “Oh, I don’t know… you moving to Georgia, getting hurt, all of it.”

I nodded. “If the tables were turned, you’d tell me to have faith. That you and Dad know what you’re doing.”

She shook her head. “Simone, that doesn’t work here.”

I shrugged. “Fine. I’ll tell you what Steel keeps saying, one day at a time.”