“I’m so glad I got to help you mark something off your bucket list, Steel,” I said, standing on the beach blanket, toweling my hair dry.
With his back to me, he adjusted his underwear. “Hurry up and get dressed, Jade. I don’t want to court either of us getting arrested for indecent exposure.”
I grinned. “Already done, baby. Another perk of my favorite dress, easy off, easy on.”
He glowered over his shoulder at me. “And your underwear?”
I shrugged. “Wearing a thong is fun, but wearing a sandy thong is not.” My gaze slid across the horizon. “Riding on your bike is going to be more of an experience tonight.”
He yanked his jeans up with a growl. “I should spank your ass for that.”
“I know.”
“What? I get the feeling I’m keeping you young, Steel. When was the last time you had this much fun?”
He bent and grabbed his boots now that he’d shrugged into his t-shirt. “Get your shoes, baby. It’s time to make tracks.”
“Did you have any fun?” I asked, trudging through the sand next to him.
He squeezed my hand. “Sex with you is always fun, Jade.”
I shot him some side-eye.
He stopped us on the trail to the parking lot. “Yes, baby. I had fun. More than I’ve had in a long-ass time.”
I smiled. “Good, but you seem awful grumpy for having had so much fun.”
He lowered his lips to my ear. “You haven’t been paying attention, Jade. I fuck you once, I want seconds very soon afterward. But I’m not doing sex on the beach, and the thought of your pussy on my bike getting wetter and wetter from the rumble of those pipes…it’s gonna be a fuckin’ challenge to get us back to the campsite.”
I turned my lips toward his ear. “You could always fuck me on your bike when we get back.”
He made a growling noise and kissed me hard. “Not happening, woman. Not there, anyway. Hell, I don’t even think I could trust my brothers not to watch us at my clubhouse.”
I pressed my lips together. “Bummer.”
The following Thursday, all my stuff had been moved into my two-bedroom apartment. To my chagrin, Dad and the Riot brothers had worked well alongside Steel to move my crap.
Now, it was closing in on five o’clock. Mom, Abby, Alexandra and I were sitting around in the living room staring at my boxes. The men had all left. Steel had things to do with a couple of the Devil Lancers and the Riot men had all gone to the clubhouse, which was only a couple miles away.
Alexandra wandered to the breakfast bar where she’d left her phone and keys. “I have to get back to Gainesville. It’s cool that Ines could take over your part of the lease, but I’m gonna miss having you as a roomie, Simone.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie,” I said.
She gave me a reluctant smile. “Don’t be. Aunt Jackie can disagree all she wants, but I think Steel is really good for you. You’re so happy now. I mean, you’re still turning into a pumpkin at five-fifteen every evening, but man… I want some of what you’ve got, chickie.”
“Don’t let Cal hear that,” Mom said.
Alexandra shook her head. “I don’t mean with a Devil Lancer. I just mean… well,—”
“You want the look of being well-fucked on the regular by someone who knows what they’re doing,” Aunt Abby suggested.
Alexandra blushed.
Aunt Abby and I cackled.
Mom sighed.