Blood yanked his sunglasses off. “Knuckles wants his fuckin’ money… it’s not something we can do through a wire transfer. That kind of cash requires security and multiple duffel bags.”
“You brought the cash?” Torque asked.
“Fuck, no,” Blood said. “But I brought all the tools to kill these assholes and hide their fuckin’ bodies.”
“Or not,” I said.
Both men showed their surprise at my words.
“You want to go down for this shit?” Cal asked.
I shook my head. “Knuckles has a meet scheduled with his cartel contact. A source tells me that contact has gone rogue, though I’m not inclined to believe that yet.”
Cal nodded. “Yeah, great way to set you up. You’re keyed up to deal with Knuckles and instead that cartel contact takes you out.”
This shit was exhausting. Maybe Volt had been right. Going legit looked better and better.
No. I had to see this shit through.
“Where is Volt?” I asked.
“Forty-five minutes behind us or so. He’s not on his bike and he had to pick up Jackie,” Blood said.
“I’m not sure you should be here,” Torque said.
Blood stood straighter. “You can’t hold us back. Watched Simone grow up, love her like she's my own. Not a fucking chance we aren’t gonna get her out of this shit.”
I stepped closer to Blood. “I’m getting her out of there.”
Blood tilted his head. “Why does it sound like you know where she is? And you’re sittin’ around here doing fuck-all about it?”
I clenched my fists. “Ten minutes ago, I learned there are three men in the shotgun house with her, and they just let the woman leave who helped abduct her.”
“Loose end,” Cal muttered.
Blood jerked his head toward Cal. “Back to what he asked, you’re gonna go down for Knuckles getting killed?”
I shook my head. “If the cartel contact is rogue, then I intend to make it look like he and Knuckles got into an altercation and they both shot each other.”
Cal nodded. “That could work… assuming you know where this meet is going down.”
“Where is Simone during all this?” Blood asked.
“Probably being watched by Sledge or Mug based on what we got from Nelson and Rafferty.”
Cal narrowed his eyes. “Rafferty? You aren’t talking about Rafferty Rolland, are you?”
“Taking our girl isn’t enough for you?” Blood asked.
I locked eyes with Blood. “He was there after Scar and Pump made their approach in the store. Liked how he handled those assholes. It isn’t my fault you haven’t approved him as a prospect. I’m leaving the decision to him.”
Cal crossed his arms over his barrel chest. “I know someone at the DEA. This might go against your grain, but why don’t we just call them in and get her out.”
Torque matched Cal’s body language. “Because Sledge, their VP, is known for using their blow and he gets trigger-happy when he does. You send in the DEA or any other cops, that asshole’s gonna kill Simone.”
I nodded once. “The moment Knuckles leaves for his meet, we’ll draw out Mug and Sledge. Hell, the two of you showing up with the cash could work as the perfect distraction. Then we’ll get Simone out and burn those assholes alive.”
“Surprised you don’t want to do the same thing to Knuckles,” Blood said.