Page 142 of Break Out

I ground my molars together then forced myself to relax. “I do, but that draws too many questions. We aren’t the only ones who know that Sledge likes to get high. Mug isn’t always the sharpest tool in the shed. Them setting the place on fire isn’t out of the question.”

Cal stared across the yard for a beat. “So, these two coincidentally burn the house down while Knuckles gets whacked by a cartel member… who also gets killed. Have I got your plan straight?”

I nodded.

Skepticism shone from Blood’s brown eyes. “Corrupt Chrome may not have an Augusta chapter, but sure as hell there’s more than just the three of them in town to cause you problems.”

Torque unfolded his arms and put his hands in his pockets. “You’re right. We don’t know where their road captain is in this, and Pump and Scar are in town from Jacksonville. All three of them need to be dealt with, too.”

I angled my head toward Torque. “Call Durham. Ask him if any of those three are at Player’s Palace.”

Torque pointed a finger gun at me. “You’re probably right.” He arched his brows. “Lap dance time?”

I twisted my hands up. “As long as their police buddy isn’t there, yeah.”

“What’s that all about?” Blood asked.

Before I could answer, a GMC Acadia towing a bike on a small trailer pulled up to the gate with Volt behind the wheel. Jackie sat in the passenger seat, looking pale and worried.

“Let him through,” I yelled to the prospect.

“Damn. I had hoped he’d talk Jackie into staying home,” Cal muttered.

“Are we letting them into our clubhouse?” Torque asked.

Cal and Blood were forty yards away, where Volt had parked his SUV. They were giving him and Jackie a run-down of what we’d discussed so far, if I had to guess.

I dragged a hand down my face. “If they can’t find a hotel room, at least one of them will have to sleep here tonight while the others stay at my place.”

Torque blew out a sigh that sounded like a growl. “Never fuckin’ thought I’d see the day we let Riot brothers into our clubhouse.”

“Me, neither, Tor.”

Volt gave Blood a curt nod, focused on me, and stalked my way. I knew how pissed I’d be if something happened to Jordan. The idea of something happening to a daughter would amp up my anger exponentially.


He stopped a foot from me with his feet planted wide. His anger wasn’t apparent until he spoke in a bristling tone. “You said she wasn’t in danger.”

With a slow nod, I said, “I didn’t know one of the women—”

Volt’s fist connected with my cheekbone. Even if I’d seen it coming, I wouldn’t have ducked his punch. I deserved that and more.

Torque stepped between us. “All right, asshole. You got your fuckin’ punch in, but that shit won’t help us get your daughter back.”

Volt’s eyes burned at Torque. “From what they tell me, you assholes know where she is and aren’t already on the move. That’s fuckin’ bullshit.”

I rubbed my cheek. “Let’s go inside. You got any damned bright ideas, you can share them.”

Chapter 26

Been Better


“Bet she’s over there praying. She’s had her eyes closed a long-ass time,” Mug said.

My eyes had been closed for a long time, but not because I was praying… more because I was doing my best to tune out their lewd conversations about a woman named Farah, and I couldn’t stomach watching them sitting around eating. Not because it was making me hungry, but because they were so damned disgusting, chewing with their mouths open.