Page 134 of Break Out


The door slamming behind me scared me to death. Sledge and Mug focused on the doorway, and Mug appeared apprehensive.

A bear of a man lumbered into the room. His gaze met mine. Extreme unease coursed through me. Without casting my eyes at his patches, I knew. He had to be Knuckles.

His pale blue eyes scanned me up and down. The strawberry-blond goatee made him appear younger, but I put him in his late thirties. A nasty grin split his lips. Oral hygiene would do him good, based on his teeth.

“Don’t she seem familiar?” Sledge asked much louder than necessary.

Knuckles turned to Sledge and shrugged. “Looks like any other brown-haired, brown-eyed snatch, except she’s got a gut.”

Josie sidled up to him. “Hey, Knuckles. Actually, she’s pregnant.”

Knuckles looked down his nose at her. “Why the fuck would Steel have a pregnant bitch around?” He looked at Mug. “You assholes grab the wrong bitch?”

Mug’s eyes widened. “Josie said she’s with Steel.”

“You didn’t verify that shit?” Knuckles demanded.

I couldn’t help myself. “You could verify with me. And seeing as Josie messed with Steel’s condoms, she oughta know I’m with him.”

Josie glared at me and lied. “I didn’t do that.”

Knuckles narrowed his eyes at Josie. “Where’s her phone?”

Sledge looked ashamed. “Oh hell.”

Josie moved toward me.

Knuckles shouldered her out of his way. His breath hit me like a stale-coffee-scented gust in my face. “Where’s your phone?”

To keep quiet or cooperate? I figured the former would have him pawing all over me going through both pockets, so I cooperated.

“My right front cargo pocket.”

He pulled my phone free without feeling me up. Then he pointed the screen toward my face, which made the phone unlock. He turned it around and started scrolling. I didn’t know what he was looking at and I struggled against yelling at him.

If he was checking my contacts, he probably wouldn’t learn much without calling people since I stuck to generic names like Mom, Dad, and Lex for Alexandra. If he opened my photos though…it would be another story.

“Why are there pictures of Riot MC brothers on your phone?”

By now, I suspected Steel had to know I was missing.

This place was a hovel. Not a clubhouse. I wasn’t conscious when they brought me in here, but the inside felt like a ramshackle building with a bathroom. In a place like this, I had no clue how Steel would know where to find me.

“Answer me!” Knuckles thundered.

“I have family in that club,” I semi-lied.

“Who’s your family?” Mug asked.

Sledge wandered toward me. “That’s what it is.” He stared at me, squinted, then snapped his fingers. “You look like one of the old ladies. She’s property of a president. Can’t fucking remember which one.”

Knuckles wrapped his calloused fingers around my lower jaw and squeezed. “Who are you related to?”

Part of me wanted to keep that secret, but I didn’t know if Steel was searching for me. Getting the Riot MC involved might be my best shot at getting help.

My stomach roiled with nausea. This nausea had an edge to it that felt like more than just morning sickness. I had no idea what Special K would do to my baby, but the sooner I got to a hospital, the better. Tears threatened as I imagined all the awful things that could happen to my peanut. I wouldn’t cry in front of these assholes.