Page 133 of Break Out

“I didn’t say I was gonna take her. It’s Saturday afternoon. That asshole thinks to visit her tonight, he’s in for a surprise.”

Greco stood. “On it.”

My phone rang again, but with a standard ring tone. The number on the display wasn’t one I knew. “Who’s this?” I answered.

“I hear you got a bitch pregnant,” Knuckles said.

“Where is she?” I demanded.

Knuckles spoke slowly. “She’s safe. She’s alive. And I’ll let her go after you pay up.”

“How much?” I asked.

“Well, that’s a good question. I want the drug territory in all twenty of your cities and one-point-seven million.”

I didn’t have that even if I sold my house. The club had that, but I hadn’t claimed her.

“And how am I supposed to give you that money? It’s not like we have that kind of cash on hand.”

“That isn’t my problem, motherfucker. You got until tomorrow, but I’d hurry if I were you. I’m not feeding her, and babies need their food.”

The phone beeped twice and I chucked it across the room. Croc was in its path, and he jumped in the air to catch it. He grinned at me. “Don’t bust your phone, Prez. How’s your woman gonna call you if it’s busted?”

While Croc brought back my phone, Torque asked, “What’d he ask for?”

“All our drug territory – every city, and almost two million dollars.”

“Almost?” Torque asked.

“One-point-seven million.”

“That’s a strange number.”

“I thought so too, but didn’t want to give him reason to raise the price. The asshole isn’t even giving her any food. Sounded fucking proud of that shit.”

“What happens if we don’t pay?” Torque asked.

“What kind of question is that?” Rafferty asked.

Torque’s eyes slid to Rafferty. “A good question. He doesn’t have that kind of cash on hand. The club has the money, but he can’t spend it just to get his girlfriend out of a jam.”

I stared Torque down. “She’s carrying my child. I fucking love her, Tor. She’s more than just my girlfriend.”

Torque withstood my stare. “She’s also Volt’s daughter. Let the Riot pick up the ransom. We’re gonna be hurting if we give up drugs to Corrupt Chrome.”

I shook my head. “That motherfucker is going to die.”

Torque’s eyes slid to Rafferty and back to me. “You don’t mean that.”

I looked Rafferty in the eyes. “Did you hear me say anything?”

His head moved in three slow shakes.

“I didn’t hear a damn thing.”

Chapter 24

Who's Your Family?