Page 117 of Break Out

While I debated how to respond, Volt said, “I don’t intend to get in your business, and really don’t care about this… except, I need to know if Simone’s in the cross-hairs. Especially since I called some other people, and word is the Devil Lancers are dealing with the same shit across the board.”

I nodded. “Those assholes are causing issues for me. I asked Simone this morning if you were an early riser because I wanted to call you.”

“What the hell for?” Blood asked.

I couldn’t decide if I liked or hated how protective he was of Volt.

With my eyes locked on Volt’s, I said, “You convinced me to dismantle a chapter a few years back. That won’t work with Knuckles. Did you have a plan in the event I didn’t agree to shutting down the chapter?”

Volt shook his head. “I’m not answering that until you answer my question. Is Simone in danger?”

Honesty was the only way to go here, and my gut clenched at the thought. “Not right now.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Blood asked.

Volt’s jaw shifted and he jerked his head toward Blood. “What he said. What the fuck does that mean?”

“They followed me and Simone the day she moved. We went out to eat, and then to get groceries. Two assholes made an approach.”

“An approach?” Volt asked.

I nodded. “Your daughter pulled out her gun, though she did it with subtlety. Problem was, later they were hanging around her SUV and only left when a cop pulled into the lot.”

“So, she’s in the cross-hairs,” Blood said.

I shook my head. “I don’t refer to her by her given name in public. Even the night I met her, I called her Jade. Being with me comes with risks and I do my damnedest to lessen those.”

“That’s not much help,” Volt said.

If the tables were turned, I’d feel the same way, but I kept that to myself. “She’s got good instincts, and can handle herself.”

“How would you know that?” Blood asked.

I decided I hated how protective he was of Volt and Simone. My eyes locked with his. “She didn’t fully bring out her gun, which kept another customer from seeing it. Might have kept the in-store cameras from seeing it, but I doubt it. Bottom line, she’s shown she has grit.” I looked at Volt. “You won’t like this, but she says she was born to be a president’s old lady.”

Volt slowly turned his head away. “You’re right, I don’t like that.”

“Since we’re talking about things you don’t like, there have been a couple cook houses that blew up in Riot cities.”

“Riot didn’t have anything to do with that,” Blood said.

If he hadn’t responded so fast, I might have believed him.

I ignored Blood, keeping my gaze on Volt. “One of those was here and authorities pointed to the Southside Slayers or faulty cooking methods, but neither of those explanations ring true.”

Volt shrugged a shoulder. “Why not? Cook houses blow all the time.”

“Not all the time, and the Slayers aren’t into explosives.”

“Neither are we,” Blood said.

I looked at him and back to Volt. “The other house is in Biloxi. And rumor has it one of those brothers is good with explosives. I’d like to talk to him.”

Blood shook his head. “Those rumors are exaggerated. He launches fireworks. He can’t help you.”

Volt kept his eyes pinned on me. “Let’s say he has time to chat. What’s in it for us?”

“A marker to start.”