Page 118 of Break Out

“That’s not worth much since we’ve cleaned our act up,” Blood said.

“What are you planning? You want to burn down cook houses in twenty cities where you have chapters?” Volt asked.

I shook my head. “Clubhouses, not cook houses, and it would be more like thirty.”

Blood’s head reared back. “Why clubhouses?”

If Torque were here, he’d tell me to shut up and move on. Maybe being involved with Simone was marring my judgment, but I trusted them enough to share. Not to mention I might need their help beyond just information.

“Corrupt Chrome wants all of our business – one type of business – but even if I give into that bullshit, where does it stop?”

“But clubhouses? That’s extreme,” Volt said.

I nodded once. “They want to take over. I want to take them out.”

“That’s gonna bring a shitload of heat,” Blood said.

I shook my head. “My club only has chapters in twenty cities. Why would we go after those other ten?”

Volt shoved his sunglasses on top of his head. “What does all this do for you? They can rebuild – it’ll take time, but that doesn’t get rid of them.”

I dipped my chin. “You’re right. But it makes them more vulnerable.”

Blood turned his head and took a deep breath. “You’re gonna go after those assholes in their homes.”

I turned my hands out in question. “How am I gonna know where they live?”

With an arch of his eyebrow, Blood said, “Wouldn’t be you doing the dirty work.”

Volt shook his head. “I don’t think you need help from Roman with this. If you want to burn down their clubhouses, then have someone set a fire and be done with it. Explosions are going to get even more unwanted attention.”

He was right, but part of me wanted to send a message. Not just to Corrupt Chrome, but to any MC thinking of fucking with the Devil Lancers.

I nodded. “Thing is, Biloxi is one of the cities where the Lancers don’t have a presence, but Corrupt Chrome has a chapter there.”

Blood’s eyes widened. “You can’t expect our Biloxi brothers to do you a solid.”

I shook my head. “I only need information and to talk to… Roman, was it?”

Volt crossed his arms. “This might be the perfect time to clean up your club.”

“You aren’t serious,” I said, laughing.

Volt nodded. “Very. You got a kid on the way and anything you do is going to earn retaliation from them.”

“That goes both ways, Volt.”

He cocked his head to the side. “How do you know you aren’t being played by the cartels? I assume you get your drugs from a larger supplier.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What do you know about cartels, Adler?”

He chuckled. “Plenty. It was a big part of why I joined the Riot. I wasn’t patching into a club where I could be someone’s pawn. It seems to me that your club and the Corrupt Chrome MC are just middle-men. If their cartel forces CCMC to shove your club out of the trade, then that cartel makes more money.”

I nodded. “Or they could be doing this on their own because Knuckles is a cocky motherfucker.”

Volt’s head wobbled side to side. “Either is possible, so why not look into legitimate enterprise?”

This was turning into a waste of my time, and I dug my keys out of my pocket. “That won’t fly with my brothers. I appreciate your concern for Simone. She knows about the threat. I’ve already told her to be vigilant when she leaves the apartment, but I’ll make sure she gets the message again.”