That was the other problem with trailers. Sure, they were movable, but it came a steep price all things considered.
Brian pressed his lips together. “Not sure, but I’ll ask if that’s what you decide to do.”
I held out a hand and we shook. “Thanks for your time, Brian. I appreciate it.”
“No problem. Talk to you later.”
Rafferty strode toward me from his bike on the other side of the property. “You look like you sucked on a lemon. Was the news that bad?”
I nodded twice. “Worse.”
His eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
“Yeah. You have any problems dropping the rental truck?”
He gave a small smile. “No. Problems dropping Simone, yeah.”
My eyes narrowed. “How so?”
He shrugged. “Nothing unusual. She was just being nosy and shit.”
I stifled my sigh. “She’s got to stop that.”
He dipped his chin. “Got your work cut out for you then.”
With a heavy dose of side-eye, I muttered, “I fuckin’ hope not.”
Chapter 20
Open Mind
“You sound different,” Alexandra’s voice on the speaker of my cell filled the apartment.
“I have you on speaker,” I said, spooning meat sauce into a lasagna pan.
“No… that isn’t it. I don’t want to say you sound unhappy, but there’s definitely something wrong. You’ve never been good at hiding things from me.”
My lips quirked to the side. “Nothing is wrong,” I fibbed. Rafferty joining the Devil Lancers would be all kinds of wrong to Alexandra. “I’m just tired. Growing another human takes it out of you.”
“You’re in the second trimester. You’re supposed to get your energy back right about now.”
I grinned. “That’s still a week or two away, Lex. And just to say, some women don’t get that extra burst of energy or whatever is supposed to happen.”
“Be optimistic, Simone. How was Augusta?”
“It was good. Steel’s house is so awesome.”
I fought an eye-roll. “Yes, really. Don’t sound so surprised. I mean, how great is your parents’ house?”
“Okay, you’re right.”
I laid lasagna noodles on top of the sauce. “Speaking of your parents’ house, you’d have loved his deck… or your dad would have, definitely.”