I nodded. “Only thing missing was beer taps, but his outdoor kitchen is seriously sweet.”
“I’m sure our pool is better.”
With a spoonula, I spread the ricotta and mozzerella cheese mixture over the noodles. “It’s debatable. Steel’s closest neighbor is five miles away.”
“Mm-hmm. It’s Wednesday, so how have things been now that you two are back?”
“Pretty good, I have to say. I love him.”
She went quiet. “You didn’t tell him that did you?”
I paused. “He said it first, Lex. To be fair though, I’d already started falling for him.”
“That fast?”
My brows drew together. “I wouldn’t call it fast.”
“Besides that one night, you’ve spent two weeks with him.”
I dipped my chin and grabbed the mozzarella cheese. “I’m also having his baby, which means we have to co-exist at a minimum, or we build on the initial spark of attraction.”
I didn’t want to hear any words of caution. “He’s more than just the Devil Lancer President.”
“Of course, but—”
My hackles were rising and I fought against my irritation. “But what? He’s thoughtful, strategic, generous, and occasionally more logical than I’d like, but I’ve never felt this way with anyone else.”
“Felt what way? Are you sure it’s not hormones?”
I laughed. “I’m sure, Lex. He gets me, and I love that. He doesn’t judge me. That might stem from his maturity, but he’s just… the person I’ve been looking for even if I didn’t know it.”
She hummed and kept quiet. Then she said, “I’m glad you have that because my last two dates have been bullshit.”
I shook my head. “Do you even have time to date?”
“Not really. One was a guy from my statistics class – that was a dud. The other was someone Ines introduced me to, but he’s more interested in Ines. He’s just too damned scared to say so.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry, Alexandra.”
“It’s okay. Is Steel an eight-to-five kind of man, and you’re just seeing him when he’s done with club business? Or does his club business extend into the night?”
“He’s normally home for dinner, but I suspect that will change as…” I trailed off realizing I was probably sharing too much.
“As what?”
“As he puts the chapter back together, but I didn’t tell you that.”
She scoffed. “Who am I gonna tell?”
“You know how secretive bikers can be. How’s rooming with Ines?”
After a pause, she chuckled. “Let’s just say I’m getting used to the scent of burnt bagels.”
“I’d have never guessed that about her.”
“That makes two of us. Are you hanging out with your brother, since he’s home for Spring Break?”