We are at my house, since he said we needed privacy, but this wasn’t what I was expecting.
“It’s a secret. I couldn’t tell you.” He sighs. “It’s like a club. It’s also how I met Bones. Each member is powerful, from important families, and we can use their help. We vowed to help each other, so if I ask, they will. They might be able to get us the information and force the police to do something.”
“And what if they say no?” I snap.
“I don’t think they will. I also think . . . I think he was a member. Autumn’s brother was, and she mentioned one of them was blamed five years ago. I think it was the same guy and it was covered up, but they all suspected. It will narrow it down, and if we are going after a member of the Silent Rose, then we’ll need all the help we can get. Clarissa is right. He was in this society for a reason. They are untouchable.” He covers my hand. “Don’t be mad, please. I couldn’t tell you, plus when I was inducted, I didn’t even really know you.”
“Fine,” I grumble. “At least tell me if it’s just rich pricks sitting around?”
“Pretty much.” He laughs. “It’s mostly a brotherhood, a party, but they are actually really nice. That’s why Bones got me out. They’ll help.”
He’s so sure of it, I can’t help but tug him closer. “Okay then, we will work with them. Will you get into trouble for telling me?”
“Maybe, but I don’t care.” He sighs, snuggling into my side. “What time do we need to go back for Alice? I could go and meet them?—”
“She texted me saying she’s coming home with Tommy and Lally later,” I tell him. “I tried to tell her I would pick her up, but she insisted.”
“She knows what she’s doing. She isn’t stupid, Alek.” He sighs. “Plus, it’s for the best. We were late getting back because of traffic. How about you cook for me, and I’ll suck your dick?”
I almost fall from the couch, turning my head rapidly. “Jesus, Evan!”
“What?” he asks, fluttering his lashes innocently. “It’s a good trade, right? I can’t cook, but I can suck cock.”
I just stare before jumping to my feet. “Deal.” His laughter chases me into the kitchen.
“Princess, your phone is ringing,” I shout from his couch as he cooks for me.
“Answer it!” he yells back.
Something about his response makes me grin, so I grab his phone and hit answer. “Hey, Alley cat, he’s just cooking. What time are you coming back? We’ll save you some?—”
“Evan.” The sob makes me sit upright.
“Alek!” I yell. “Alice, what’s wrong?”
I hit speaker as Alek runs into the room with his frilly apron on, spatula in hand. “I’m sorry. I was so stupid. I lied to Alek. I’m not with Tommy or Lally.”
“Where are you?” I demand.
“I went on a date.” Alek and I share a look. “On the way back—” She hiccups, sobbing. “I was waiting for him outside of the restaurant since it was raining. He went to get the car. As he started to drive toward me, another car hit him. He’s in the hospital. I’m in the waiting room. Can you come get me?”
“Which hospital?” Alek asks, ripping off his apron and grabbing his keys. “I’ll be right there. Don’t move!”
“Pinetree,” she sobs. “Come quickly.”
“We’re coming.” I hang up. “Breathe, Alek.” I head into the kitchen and turn off the oven, moving everything away and grabbing his coat and bag. I find him at the door, waiting anxiously. “She’s okay. She wasn’t in the car.”
“She’s my sister, Evan,” he snaps.
“I know.” Taking his hand, I kiss the back of it. “Let’s go get her.”
We get there in record time, even with me driving since I didn’t trust Alek to. I’m surprised he let me touch his baby, but he’s worried about his sister, even though she told us ten times on the phone on the way here that she’s fine.
It doesn’t stop him from storming into the ER and scanning the space until he finds her. He rushes over and pulls her into a hug, and she bursts into more tears. I run my eyes over her, checking for injuries, but she seems okay, just upset and scared, which is understandable.
“Look at me,” Alek demands, holding her at arm’s length. “Are you hurt? Even a little?”