Leaving Alek to check Alice over, I head to the desk. “Hi, how is the boy who came in with Alice?” I point at her.
“I’m not supposed to tell.” The nurse leans over. “But he’s okay. Some bruises and bumps, a few broken ribs and a wrist, but he’ll live. He’s lucky.”
“Thank you.” I head back over to Alice and Alek just as Lally hurries into the emergency room, her eyes landing on Alice. She ignores us as she yanks her into a hug.
“I just got your text. Are you okay?”
Alek and I share a look. “Lally?”
She pulls away, sparing me a glance, but then focuses on Alice. “What happened?” she asks.
“Someone crashed into my date. The police think it was a deliberate hit-and-run. I’ve already spoken to them, but I wanted to stay so he wasn’t alone.” She sobs. “I was so scared.” She melts into Lally’s arms, who holds her and whispers to her as Alek and I share another look.
It has to be him. Clarissa was right—he’s stepping it up. He tried to kill a boy who went on a date with Alice. It’s obvious he thinks she’s his, and he won’t stop. If he’s willing to murder two boys for even daring to go near her, then what else is he capable of?
Alice eventually calms down enough to talk to Alek, so I tug Lally to my side, knowing Alek needs this time with his sister.
“We’ll go get some drinks.” I drag Lally after me despite her protests.
“When did you two get so close?” I murmur, nudging Lally when we get to the vending machine outside.
She shrugs, looking over the drinks inside. “We are in the same school, and she knows you. I guess it just happened. When I found out she was going on a date, I texted her, and she just replied.”
Hitting the buttons, I wait for the bottles to fall. I’m just bending over to get them when lights splash over us. Straightening, I cover my eyes, completely blinded. It’s surprisingly quiet outside, I realize, as we turn to see a car pointed at us in the lot, its engine revving.
“Lally, go inside,” I demand. “This must be the guy who hurt Alice’s date.”
“What? Why would you think that?”
“I’ll tell you later, go,” I hiss.
“What are you doing?” she asks as I step forward, intent on confronting him. “Evan.” Lally grabs my arm. “Don’t. If it’s the guy, then that is some stupid horror movie bullshit to go after him.”
I know she’s right. Pulling my phone out, I take a picture of the license plate and grab Lally before I tug her inside, moving slowly. Whoever it is just watches, but I know it’s a warning—a threat.
Back inside, I warn Lally with my eyes not to say anything, but when Alice talks to a nurse with Lally, I pull Alek aside. “Are you okay?” he asks with a frown.
“He was here,” I murmur. Alek freezes, and I nod. “Outside, warning us in his car. He’s watching, probably stalking her. We need to be careful.”
Our eyes go back to Alice.
“Do we tell her?” I ask softly.
“She needs to know,” he admits. “Can you . . . Will you?—”
“I’ll be there. I’m not going anywhere,” I promise.
On the way back from the hospital, we stop at Evan’s dorm so he can pack. We decided he will move in for a little while. I’ll feel better having them both under one roof, and he wants to help protect Alice. We drop Lally off, and she has a whispered conversation with Alice.
When we get back, we sit her on the couch, both of us standing before her. “We need to talk, and you need to listen.”
“I’m sorry for lying.” She hangs her head.
“Not about that. That will be later,” I warn her before softening my voice. “Alice, this is serious.”
I know this is going to be hard, but she deserves to know. Keeping her in the dark won’t help her at all.