It’s incredible, and I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of standing on the stage, my heart and soul filled with music, and seeing them reflecting that. It’s not about the worship. It’s about the music that brings us together.
Chase is right. The stage becomes my church, and I worship it with my songs.
That night, we all skip the green room since we have to be up early for interviews and another set tomorrow night. It doesn’t take us long to get back to the hotel, and our rooms are next to each other, thank God. They are going to sneak through the adjoining door, since none of us seem to be used to sleeping alone anymore.
I’ll admit, it’s too quiet as I head into my room, so after dropping my coat, I head to their door, since they are sharing a three-bedroom suite. Maybe we can get room service, fuck each other’s brains out, and then watch films until we fall asleep.
It sounds like a perfect night, and I use the spare key they gave me to open the door, my heart filled with happiness, even though I’m tired and my throat hurts.
I stop in my tracks, my heart beating so fast it starts to ache. Jealousy and horror fill me at the scene.
There are three women here. I don’t notice anything else at first, just that they are sitting with the guys who all leap to their feet, looking guilty.
“Sorry, I should have knocked.” I start to back away, barely to breathe over the agony filling me.
Stupid, stupid fucking Beck. I should have known better.
“Beck, wait!” Trav leaps over the sofa, even as I try to fight him off, and he drags me over, pushes me down on the sofa, and sits on my lap so I can’t leave when I would have jumped up. “Stop it,” he snaps, and that makes me stop and finally look at the three women who all seem unsure and uncomfortable.
It’s then I notice they are in all black. Uniforms?
“Management sent some masseuses over to help with strain after performing,” Chase explains. “They were here when we got back. We had no idea. We were just telling—” He glances at them.
“Kendra, Mallory, and Courtney,” the blonde supplies with a smile at me.
“Yeah, them, that we don’t need that and they could go.”
The room is tense, and all eyes are on me, though the women seem unsure why. Kolton is practically vibrating, and I realize how hard this must be for him. “Ah, right,” I say.
There wasn’t a masseuse in my room, I realize, just theirs, and they are very beautiful females, as if they had been handpicked.
What the fuck is going on?
It’s clear from their eyes that they were expecting what I had been when I walked in. I want to kill someone, but I force myself to breathe and smile as I reach for Kolton. “No need, at least not with Kolt here. I gave him one earlier.”
He shoots me a grateful look.
“Ah, we are being paid to make sure they are very relaxed.”
“I’m sure. Trav and Chase for sure.” I smile, though it feels tight.
“No, I’m fine.” Trav frowns at them, moving to my side, and Chase even moves closer, as if he’s worried that being near them will upset me.
That alone softens my jealousy. It’s not their fault, and they did nothing wrong. Hell, they stopped me from running before I got upset at what I thought I walked in on. I should have known better.
“As I said, we’re fine. You can go. We’ll tell our label to pay you.” Chase smiles, but it’s tight as he turns to me. “And we’ll find out why they were sent.”
“It’s not normal?” I ask with a frown.
“Not really,” Kolton mutters.
Chase escorts them out and then flops onto the couch, staring at me. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” I reply automatically before leaning back. “Okay, I was jealous and thought the worst, but that’s my fault, not yours.”
“We would never do that to you.” Kolton frowns.
“I know.” I kiss his hand. I know they wouldn’t. “So that’s not normal?”