“No.” Chase scowls. “Usually, they discourage my . . . ways.” He coughs. “Not encourage them. Is there one in your room?” His eyes narrow. “It’s a hot guy, isn’t it?”
“I wish.” I smirk. “Nope, not one in my room.”
“Well then, I guess we know what we have to do tonight.” Chase smirks, pulling off his shirt. “Who has oil?”
I can’t help but laugh, even as they converge on me, but one thought sticks.
Who sent the women, and what is their next move?
It feels like I’m four steps behind and being played, and I hate it. Maybe it’s time to switch up the game.
I’m still pissed about the masseuses, so when Beck showed us the articles this morning, I fucking lost it. I was on the phone with our label before she could even grab my phone.
“Trav!” William greets warmly.
“Cut the shit,” I snap. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I want the article I’m sending you pulled and whoever was behind it found, and don’t ever send masseuses to our room after gigs ever again.”
“Article gone. Wait, masseuses? I didn’t send any masseuses,” he replies.
“Well, someone over there did. I don’t care if it was a gift or a prank, don’t do it again or we’ll walk.” I hang up, staring at my girl’s wide eyes. “I told you we have your back. Nobody fucks with you.”
“That’s hot.” She nods. “I guess I should tell you that Ben sent me two people he’s worried about. I was going to go during setup and suss them out.”
“That might look weird.” Or maybe that’s my jealousy. “Give us their names, and we will. We know the crew well anyway.”
“Okay.” She nods, letting us help her, and I know how much that costs her. We want to find this person as badly as she does, and if there’s a snake in our grass, then we deserve to know who, especially if they hurt her sister and are now trying to hurt our girl. I want this to be a tour to remember, I want her to realize this is where she belongs, but someone is determined to push her away from us.
I just don’t understand who.
Have they figured out who she is, or is this something else?
The crew is checking everything over when we head into the arena after our interviews in the local city. Beck went back to relax after our urgings. It’s calmer today since everything is already set up.
It makes it easier for us to corner the one we want—Ervin. I’ve seen him around but don’t know much about him. He seems like a good guy, but who knows? I nod at the tour manager and Rachel as we pass. Chase breaks off to distract them, and Kolton goes left. I go right, searching for him. We’ll corner him then the next guy, Gill, since we know him well. I don’t believe it’s him at all, but maybe he’ll know something.
After all, we can’t be too careful when it comes to our girl.
I find Ervin stacking boxes of merch, and I grab a hoodie. “Good quality this year.”
“Oh, uh, hi.” He blinks, staring at me. “Yeah, really good.”
“How’s it going?” I ask. It isn’t strange for us to hang with the crew, so he isn’t put off.
“Yeah, pretty good. We have some newbies, but they are learning fast. It’s a lot bigger than the last tour.” He grins.
“It is.” I smile. “Newbies?”
“Yeah, the label brought them on, but they are good kids.” He nods.
“Good, any other issues?” I ask, digging.
“Nope, everything seems to be running smoothly. Why? Are you worried?” he asks. There’s no suspicion in his tone, just a friendly question. “I can help if there is.”
I smile. “No, just wanted to check in.”
He didn’t do it. I can tell. He doesn’t have a big enough reach, and he’s just way too nice. Plus, he’s been with us for a while now.