Page 59 of Desperate Measures

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Cheryl put away the few articles of clothing she’d stuffed in her go bag. It was just as well she had so little to unpack; the closet was small for two. When she ordered it closed, the door slid shut and disappeared in a seamless whole on the dull metallic wall.

The room was a box. It possessed only one massive piece of furniture, the sleeping mat, to give it a function. Israla had apologized for the ugly shelter. “We’ll see what we can come up with to make it better during your stay here,” she’d promised.

“It’s a safe port. The island itself is lovely. The children will adore the beach. I doubt we’ll spend much time indoors,” Cheryl had insisted.

“You’ll want to come out only in the morning and evening. The suns are quite fierce in the afternoon. We’ll fix this.” The Plasian leader had glared at the building with undisguised loathing, a strange expression for her ethereal face.

Unpacking accomplished, Cheryl went to the bed taking up most of the tiny room’s space. She crashed onto its surface. Her grateful sigh rang loud.

They were safe. At least safer than they’d been. In the end, nothing else mattered.

The door leading to the corridor whooshed open, admitting children’s laughter, Marci’s calls for everyone to take showers, and Besral. It closed behind the Nobek, and quiet descended once more.

“Everyone seems to be settling in well. The children are more like themselves than I’ve seen since we evacuated.”

Cheryl noted many of the lines etched in his features had lessened considerably. “Having security makes a big difference. Add a warm meal and beds to call their own again, and we’ve found paradise.” She sat up. “We are safe, my love? Plasius has no army, no security force I know of.”

“No, but they have a planetary defense shield. It defeated Earth’s battlecruisers and city killers back when Israla allied her people to Kalquor during the war.”

“Is it enough against the phase capability the Darks stole from the empire?”

Besral shrugged. “Tyler Carter told me Kalquor’s spy division has shared specs that’ll fluctuate the planetary field’s frequencies and may force any incoming vessel to unphase. The empire is setting up long-range detection systems to warn Plasius of incoming hostiles. The systems will also be armed with automatic defensive weapons, phased and otherwise, to fire on GC warships should they show up. I think we’ll be all right as long as the Galactic Council remains unaware of our location.”

“Won’t the activity of setting up defenses make them suspicious?”

Besral chuckled. “As we speak, the same is being done for dozens of Kalquor’s most vulnerable allies, such as Joshada and Tratso. Thanks to everyone being on alert for Dark infiltration, it’ll take some doing for our enemy to hunt us down.”

“It is possible.”

Besral sat next to her and drew her in his arms. “As much as I hate being deemed little of a threat, it would be foolish for the All to waste valuable resources searching for a dozen used-up Nobeks, a few former nuns, and helpless children. Now that we can’t be made an easy example of, it’ll focus its energies elsewhere.”

“It makes sense when you put it in those terms,” she admitted. “But you aren’t used-up. You certainly rose to the occasion on Mymah.”

“Speaking of rising to the occasion…” He fondled her breast.

“Oh! Aren’t you exhausted after what we’ve been through?” She pushed at his hands, both busy now, in half-hearted protest.

“Aren’t you tense after being cooped up on an overcrowded transport among a few hundred upset children for two weeks? Don’t you think you should relieve some tension?”

He pressed her onto the mat, his touch still roaming, still caressing. And yes, the fiend was waking desire as he always did. Cheryl laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull his grinning lips in for a kiss.

Their clothes seemed to melt away, though Cheryl knew it was Besral’s practiced stripping that left them naked. For several minutes, they simply moved together, their bodies sliding against each other. Their writhing dance was sensual, though they held off on penetration.

“Eyes closed.” Besral’s growl was soft but bestial, an animal sound simultaneously standing Cheryl’s hair on end and sending excitement coursing through her. She obeyed without hesitation.

He nuzzled and kissed a slow path down her body. His lips were soft where they landed, but slight twinges told her his teeth nipped. She trembled under the delicious assault, very aware of the wet trail he left on her flesh on his way to where she was wettest. His bites would leave no marks, but they stung. She felt how her excitement surged at each tiny torment.

His huge paws grasped her thighs, just under the buttocks, then slid to the backs of her knees as he spread her wide. His growl was louder than before as he stared at her splayed sex. His expression was feral, almost turning him into a stranger at that instant. He looked ready to devour her for real, and Cheryl uttered an anxious but eager whimper.

Then he was on her, his tongue whirling and searching her intimate folds. A bolt of sheer bliss shot through her, and she cried out, her hips bucking the small amount his mastery over her allowed.

He snarled as he fed from her. He was strong, unstoppable, leaving her tossing her head helplessly as ecstasy built. Her squirming and kicking made no impression, at least as much as her maelstrom-whirled mind could tell. He sucked and licked and nipped her clamoring sex. His tongue dove deep in her, fucking her. He drew hard on her swollen clit until she fought to escape the intense rapture threatening to destroy her.

He was relentless as she broke apart, her fist stuffed in her mouth to muffle the screaming she couldn’t stop as orgasm tore through her. He gave no quarter until climax plowed her a second time, shattering her senses.

She returned to her surroundings slowly. Cheryl became aware she was softly moaning still as the surges of pleasure ebbed. They failed to disappear entirely, because Besral leisurely licked her pussy as she came down. He let her quiet but kept her simmering.