Page 58 of Desperate Measures

“Will do. You do the same. I wish I was there to help you stay comfortable. I’ll com tomorrow to see how you’re holding up.”

Then he was gone. Again, her mind spoke. What could have been.

She let the coughing spell come. This time, she did dissolve in the black. When she came to, she groped for the mask she’d been reaching for when Feru had commed. Her hands shook violently, making putting the mask on an ordeal. She managed, however, and lifted her com for the final act. She clicked it.

“Okay. I’m ready.”

Her bedroom door hissed open. A moment later, she was surrounded by figures swathed in protective medical gear. They looked like old-fashioned deep-sea divers in their thick white suits and the breathing helmets feeding them virus-free air.

They removed the mask she’d taken such pains to put on. In its place, they strapped on an oxygen version. Then they loaded her on a hover stretcher and floated her to the second floor landing.

At the head of the steps, another white figure awaited. As she noted Ken Bryant’s composed face behind his clear visor, Toni had to admit Stacy was right. He was an okay guy, even if he was somewhat anti-Kalquorian.

Faintness was returning. Toni wondered if she’d wake again when it took her.

As she drifted past Ken, the techs surrounding her carefully keeping the stretcher level as they began to descend the stairs, Toni croaked, “She’s expecting me to com tonight.”

“I’ll handle Stacy. You concentrate on feeling better.” His voice sounded hollow through the helmet’s speaker.

Toni wanted to tell him it wasn’t fair she was getting a hospital bed and resources ahead of so many other sick people, thanks to the accident of being the governor’s sister. She wanted to tell him to give Clan Imon a final message: she wished they’d had more time. She wanted to beg him to vid com her every now and then while she was in the hospital, because she needed a familiar face…even someone who wasn’t really a friend.

It was too much, and she was drifting off. She tried to hang on to see the sky outside in case it was her last glimpse. Darkness closed in on her before she reached the bottom of the stairs. She was unconscious when they floated her to the emergency shuttle waiting to take her to the hospital she might never leave alive.

Chapter Sixteen

The galaxy reverberated in shock following the broadcast of the Galactic Council’s attack on the orphanage. In the aftermath, many planets and societies, including Joshada, Plasius, Alneusia, and additional longstanding allies of the Kalquorian Empire, immediately recalled their ambassadors from the GC in protest. They renounced membership in the entity that had for the most part kept peace among their worlds for so long.

Kalquorian officials admitted the support, while welcome, wasn’t as overwhelming as they’d hoped. Some worlds defended the GC, citing the governing body’s allegations that Kalquor’s horrific footage was counterfeit. Alongside the Dark-controlled Galactic Council, they trotted out accusations Kalquor had intimidated Cheryl and the children into lying about the attack, pointing out the orphanage’s residents had completely disappeared from sight.

Empress Jessica and other Earther women on Kalquor, after viewing vid statements, confirmed the ambassadors and planet leaders defending the Galactic Council spoke in two voices…their own and the Darks’. Those the Imperial Clan and Royal Council had identified as having the ability to see the tentacled shadows corroborated their claims. Representatives from numerous planets, counseled by Kalquorian diplomats, had also begun to find witnesses among their own people who could detect the Darks.

There were planets and systems unwilling to be drawn into the fray. They remained officially neutral, keeping their distance from both the Galactic Council and the empire.

Those aligned with the Galactic Council shouted for outright war against the Kalquorian Empire and its allies. As far as the empire was concerned, the situation was worsening…but they took heart in no longer being alone in their fight against the terrible All.

As Emperor Clajak grimly told his people and allies during a broadcast speech, “We know who our friends are, and our enemy should be shaking in fear now that it’s exposed.”

* * * *

Cheryl, Besrel, Open Arms Orphanage staff and its children…all of them alive and healthy…filed from the shuttles of the transport they’d been transferred onto after Kila’s spyship and the marauders had flown them to empire space. Despite the care they’d received from their rescuers, the group looked wan. They were physically fine, but emotionally drained after their harrowing ordeal.

They glanced around the small island on the planet they’d been brought to, their gazes guardedly hopeful. A brilliant sun hung a quarter of the way in the sky. A slightly more distant twin had just risen over the horizon, bringing brilliant light to tall trees sporting green umbrella-like foliage near the golden sand beach they’d landed on. It was morning and already warm enough to bring sweat to their skin. The gentle breezes and mighty voice of the ocean brought to mind tropical paradise, however. Cheryl’s heart lifted.

They faced a metallic building not in keeping with the lovely surroundings. It was a cold structure in the midst of warm welcome, a facility of stark angles possessing no aesthetic beauty.

Besral snorted. “Temporary structure used by the Kalquorian military to house offices and soldiers on the ground. It’ll do, I suppose.”

“This place is a godsend, my love. Our hosts are coming.” Cheryl straightened and smiled at the figures emerging from the building. It was a real smile instead of the strained version she’d worn for the children’s sake as they’d left behind the ruins of the home they’d grown up in for so many years. For the youngest, the orphanage had been the only home they’d ever known. It had been a horrific goodbye.

We’ll be fine. We’ve come this far, and we’re alive.

But for a human male, the group of three who approached them were tall, ethereal beings. Willowy, bronze-skinned, most sporting the natural olive hue of the thick fur that passed for hair on their heads, they appeared to float rather than walk across the sand. A female in the lead smiled welcome, at ease in silvery clothing transparent where appliques didn’t hide her sensual assets. Cheryl and Besral exchanged a glance, then stepped forward to greet their hosts.

“Welcome to Plasius,” the lovely leader said. “I’m Saucin Israla. These are my aides, Tyler Carter…” the ruggedly handsome Earther nodded “…and Shisa.” The second female Plasian also nodded, her black-marble eyes raking Besral in obvious appreciation. As impossible as it should have been, she wore less than Israla. “We’re delighted to have you here for as long as you need.”

“Thank you, Saucin. We appreciate your coming to our assistance.”

“Come. You’ve had an exhausting and tragic journey. Let’s get you settled in so you can begin to heal from your losses.”