Now it’s time for me to narrow my eyes. “You’re his favorite right now. I’ve been his favorite since before I was born.”
“Please. Even anyone has been Henry’s favorite since he was born, it’s Drake.”
I open my mouth to throw out a rebuttal, but it gets stuck. She does have a point. The kids all have Henry wrapped around their pinkies, but Drake has him wrapped around both his pinkies.
“I stumped you, didn’t?” Her smile is so damn proud and bright that I can’t even be mad at her for pulling the Drake card.
“That you did.”
She places her ice cram bowl on the table between our chairs and raises up her hands. “I win.”
Another laugh escapes me. “And what exactly do you win?”
She purses her lips and taps her finger against them as if she truly has to think about it. “A game of never have I ever?”
I snort. “You want to play a drinking game?”
“It doesn’t have to be a drinking game. You can drink whatever you want and I’ll just eat my ice cream.”
All I can picture is her lisp wrapping around the spoon but the spoon quickly turns into something else. My dick.
Before I let that thought escalate, I get up from the chair and go back into the villa to grab whatever alcohol that I could find. Besides Ella’s bloody Maries, there hasn’t been a whole lot of drinking being done.
Which is something I’m surprised about, since I tend to have a least one glass of scotch every single day. This trip is doing something to me and I like it a lot more than I should.
After grabbing a bottle of champagne that was left here by the hotel as a wedding gift, I hear back outside and pop it open.
Ella smirks when she sees what I’m drinking. “I thought you said that was a cheap bottle.”
“Yeah, well, it’s the only alcohol we have in the room.”
She grabs her her bowl and holds out a spoonful of somewhat melted cream. “You can have some of my ice cream.”
Tempting, but I shake my head. Right now if I eat ice cream, I’d want it to be off her body or from her mouth, not from a spoon.
I chide myself a bit at the thought. Apart from the kiss on the plane ride here, Ella and I haven’t done anything else. No kissing. No hand holding. Besides sharing a bed, we have done absolutely nothing. Mostly because we’ve been too busy enjoying ourselves in the things the country has to offer and when we get back to the villa we are dead on our feet.
Today is the first day that we’ve been back to the room before the sun set.
“Your loss.” Ella throws out before sliding the spoon into her mouth.
If only she could slide something else into her mouth.
Okay, I need to get a handle on all the sexual thoughts.
I take a seat and look over at her.
“Do you want to start?”
She contemplates, before answering with a nod and I start cringing at the headache that the champagne is going to induce.
“Never have I ever…” she brings up the spoon to her mouth and starts tapping it against her lips. Watching her has me readjusting. I seriously need to stop thinking about things going into her mouth. “Owned a car that was worth more that fifty thousand.”
Oh, I see how we’re playing this.
I roll my eyes and take a drink of the champagne. My throat constricts at the taste. If we ever come back here, I’ll pay for them to change it out. This is fucking disgusting.
“Your face looks ridiculous right now.” Ella says though a giggle.