Page 91 of Vows In Corruption

So I decided to put the call anything to do with my brother for the remainder of the trip. Ella deserved to make good memories, and I’ll be damned if I took that away from her.

The second the plane landed in the Costa Rica, the expectation of sliding into Ella’s pussy every waking moment was no longer top priority.

Her having the time of her life was, along with getting to know more about her.

And that’s exactly what’s been happening. For the past six days, we’ve done everything that didn’t involve a bed. ATV riding though a a forest and trying to find water falls. Visiting thermal waters. Taking a boat out on the ocean to catch the sunrise. Zip-lining. And according to Ella her favorite activity of them all, going to feed some baby chimps and sloths.

In the time that I’ve known this woman, I have never seen her smile this much. I haven’t heard her laugh so freely or truly act her age.

This trip has given me a new version of Ella that I don’t think I want to let go of.

More so when I learn little things about her.

Like her dislike for snakes. Her love for vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips, and her deep friendship with bloody marys.

It’s been nice seeing her enjoy herself so much, but she’s not the only one having fun.

It wasn’t until half way through this trip that I remembered how good it fucking felt to destress. For years my mind has been set on one thing and one thing only. Getting the CEO position.

Whenever the kids brought up wanting to go on a trip, I would take them, but work ninety percent of the time. I haven’t truly gone somewhere just to forget about all the outside noise, not since I was twenty-two at least. Not since I wanted to go to the farthest possible place in the world and just forget about everything. The nightmares, the memories, the feeling of wanting to drown.

For the first time in a long time, I’m knowing what it feels like to actually act my age, and if feels so damn good.

And it’s all thanks to my wife.

As I look over at her as she watches the sun set from our balcony that faces the ocean, I take her in.

She looks happy.

Would she be this happy if I hadn’t propositioned her with this marriage? I want to think that she would be.

Since we already had dinner brought up to our villa here in Playa Conchal, I grab some of the ice cream I had the front desk bring up on our second day, and make her a bowl just how she likes it.

With extra chocolate chips sprinkled on top, I head out side and hand her the bowl.

The smile that she gives me as she takes it from me goes straight to my dick. “Look at that. He’s learning ladies and gentleman.”

“Cut the crap or I wont add ice cream and mini chocolate chips to the weekly grocery list.”

She let out a gasp in face shake. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

Her eyes narrow before a smirk forms on her face and she throws a shrug in my direction. “It’s okay, I’ll just tell Henry to add them myself. He already loves me.”

I laugh. “He loves you because you ask him to cook every single recipe you find online.

“Hey, you’re just jealous that me and him have something in common.”

“I wouldn’t call it jealousy.”

“Then what will you call it?” Her eyebrow raises in the most sexy way.

I find eyebrows sexy now? When it comes to Ella, yes.


“What is there compete about? I’m Henry’s favorite and you know it.” This girl literally sticks out her tongue at me.