“That’s somewhat better than the reaction that Sam and Grayson gave me.” He says, before taking a drink from the glass.
I follow suit but instantly regret it. I guess scotch or whiskey or whatever this is, is not for me.
Once the horrible taste is nearly gone from my mouth, I speak. “Was it bad?”
“No. From the looks of it Grayson didn’t really care, but I know that he was surprised. Sam, on the other hand, she definitely was a little hurt that she found out about the wedding though a magazine instead of from me. She was okay with the decision though.”
I know how Sam feels.
When I say the article this morning, I was a little shocked. I didn’t think that a simple wedding would be such big news, but then I remembered whose wedding it was. Bennett is one of the most eligible bachelor’s in the world, of course his wedding is going to be big news. I just didn’t think that people would be so interested in finding things out about the woman that he is marrying. For a half hour or so, I got scared that someone was going to be looking into my past and finding something that she shouldn’t, but the article and any mention of who Bennett was going to be marrying was scrapped from the internet.
It didn’t take me long to put together that my future husband probably had something to do with that.
Future. After tomorrow, there will be no future about it. Bennett will be my husband in all senses of the word. I guess it’s time to get used to it.
“Hopefully she is still okay with it after tomorrow.” I say, but I don’t really know what she I’m talking about. Me or Samantha.
“She’ll be fine,” Bennett says, taking another drink before turning to give me his full attention. “What about you, will you be okay?”
I think about it for a second and surprisingly the answer that comes out is one that I didn’t expect. “Yes. Yes, I’m okay with it.”
And… I am.
I’m really okay with marrying Bennett. I didn’t think I was and I’ve been having my doubts since we came up with this plan, but as I sit here, I realize that all the doubts that are gone. This is transactional. Nothing else.
“Good.” He brings his glass over and taps it against mine. “You’re ready to conquer the world at my side?”
At his side.
I like the sound of that.
“Let’s make you CEO, Mr. Lane.”
“Fuck do I like the sound of that.”
This day was never supposed to happen. I was never supposed to get married and give my worst fear have the possibility of becoming a reality.
Yet here I am.
Here I am standing under an alter that was put together by a florist, with a officiant standing three feet away from me as my bride comes walking towards me in an off white gown that first her gorgeously.
This day was never supposed to come, yet I find myself wanting to go back in time so that I can make this all right and give Ella the wedding that she deserves.
I saw her face in the conference room that night. I know she didn’t want a small, intimate wedding, yet she asked for one and now as she approaches me, with nobody walking at her side, I want to go back in time and make her ask for a big wedding. For a wedding that she fucking deserves.
Ella should be wearing the dress of her dreams, not one she picked out just because, with her favorite flowers surrounding her, as she walks down the aisle with her sister at her side to the man of her dreams. A man that would move the heavens and earth for her. A man that isn’t marring her just because he wants something from her. A man that loves her wholeheartedly and isn’t in love with the feeling that corruption and deception brings to him. Ella deserves to love a life where she is happy every day and smiling that beautiful smile that she has while letting out her beautiful laugh.
She deserves everything and more and here I am taking everything away from her.
It’s only for two years.
For two years she will be all mine, in every single legal sense of the word, but then the two years will come and she will leave and go out and find someone the person that she is meant to be with.
Because no matter how much my brain wants it to, she won’t be be mine. Not truly. She will share my last name, and have access to my bank accounts, but that’s it. That’s where our connection will end.