Page 73 of Vows In Corruption

“What do you mean?”

My future husband walks over to where I am, leaving only about a foot of distance between us. “It means that all of this is your. To wear, to keep, to do whatever you want with it. You can think of it as a wedding gift.”

I’m at a lose for words. He got me clothes? There has to be pieces in here that are worth thousands and I get to call them mine?

“You filled a whole closet for me?” I ask in disbelief.

Why would he do something like this?

“I did, well, a personal shopper did. I figure that since you were going to marrying a Lane, you should have a closet of one.”

Butterflies flutter around my belly and the more I take what Bennett gave me, the more the fluttering increases. He got me a whole closet, when he didn’t need to, but wanted.

“I didn’t get you a wedding gift.” Well, I didn’t know that I needed to get one and now I feel bad.

“That’s not something that you need to worry about.” Yeah, too late. Now All I can think about how I could get him a new tie. Maybe one that matches his eyes. “Anyway, the bathroom is through that door and on the other side of that is my room.”

“We’re not sleeping in the same room?” I don’t know why I sound disappointed. Of course we are not sharing a room, just because we are getting married doesn’t mean that sharing a bed would be a good idea.

A sweet smile spreads across his face that is new to me. “Not unless you want to.”

My face doesn’t hesitate going red right away. “No, w-we can sleep in separate rooms.”

Did it get hot in here all of the sudden?

The distance between us gets smaller and Bennett places a hand on my shoulder. “Calm down, Ella. I was kidding.”

“Right. I knew that.”

Another sweet smile appears. “I just figured it would be easier. For the both of us.”

“Thank you for thinking about that.” Because sure as hell didn’t.

Bennett shows me his room, which I notice is a lot smaller than mine. He must have given me the master bedroom, but why?

I don’t get to ask, I just continue to follow him as he leads me out to the same hallway that gives access to my room. We are close to each other, but still far apart to not do anything stupid. Like consummate out marriage.

Bennett finish up the remainder of our tour before leading me over to his home office where he tells me that I have free range to anything I want, including the credit card and bank card that he hands me with my name on it.

I’m in ultimate shock as he tells me that if I ever want to drive myself, that I can take whatever car I want from the garage. The shock continues when he tells me that also applies to flying. If I ever want to fly somewhere to let him or Henry know and they will get the jet ready. The same goes for Charlie. What every she wants she can get.

“You are doing too much,” I say, looking down at the credit card that he just handed over.

“For what you are doing for me, it’s not nearly enough.”

Something passes through us, that I can’t explain. This very thing has happened once before and I brushed it off, but experiencing now feels an electrical current that feels right.

“Either way, I thank you. For everything. I promise that once the two years are up, everything will be in its place.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He says, walking over to the drink cart that he has in the corner and quickly moves the conversation to a different subject. “So from the way Charlie is making herself at home, she took the news of our impending marriage well?”

I watch a pours a class of dark liquid and offers me a glass.

Might as well. It might help with the nerves that have yet to go away.

I throw a nod in his direction and answer his question. “Surprisingly yes. I for sure expected her to lecture me or something about marring someone I barely know but, she didn’t. She was actually excited when I told her and said it was like a rom-com playing out in real life.”

Bennett walks over, handing me a glass of amber liquid and takes a seat next to me.