“Um.” Charlie looks over at me, as if she is asking me if it’s okay she goes.
I want to tell her not to go, to stay with me and help me deal with all the awkwardness, but I can’t do that to her. Not only is this my life for the next two years, it’s hers too. She should be friends with these people, and feel like she is at home.
Which is why I let go of her hand.
“Go. I’ll come find you later.”
She gives me a smile before she follows Elliot, Samantha and Grayson into the massive house.
Once the four of them are in the house, it’s just Bennet and I left to our own accord.
“We didn’t really think this through, did we?” He voices, looking down at me as he plays with his hands a bit.
In the time that I’ve known this man, I don’t think that I’ve seen him this nervous or agitated about things.
I give him a smile. “No but we will figure it out.”
“Right.” He throws a smile back before he looks away. “Is a moving truck coming later with your stuff?”
A snort escapes me before I can even think about it. I compose myself before speaking. “No. No moving truck. We didn’t have a whole lot of stuff, so we were able to fit everything into a few suitcases.”
When I told Charlie about this whole situation, which she was surprisingly okay with and very understanding, we got together and decided what from our apartment was going to come with us and what we were going to put into to storage or sell.
It didn’t take that long for us to figure out that there weren’t a lot of things within the walls of our small apartment that had sentimental value. There were a few small things, but the majority of the stuff that we had accumulated through out the years, were meaningless so it make getting rid of things easier.
In the end, we ended up with only large suitcase each that we were able to fit into the car that picked us and that was it. It’s sad really that after so many years of life and all we have was able to fit into four suitcases.
“I’ll have someone bring them upstairs for you.” I give him a smile before he continues. “Let me show you around before dinner.”
“Sounds good. Lead the way.”
Like a sad little puppy, I follow Bennett through out the property, listening to every word that he says, getting lost in the small little touches between us, and marveling at almost everything that he point out. the place is massive and there is no doubt in my mind that I will be getting lost until I find my footing.
The house has bedrooms that are the size of the apartment that I just gave up, gorgeous bathrooms and massive closets that look like they could be filled with whole department stores worth of clothes. There is a movie theater, a whole kitchen that any cook or baker would dream of having, game rooms, a garage that is probably bigger than a football field filled with so many different cars, there’s even a massive pool in the back that has it’s water slide attached to it.
Not only is this place any kids dream home, its also becoming mine too with every new room that I discover. The library though, may be my favorite.
That is until Bennett show me my bedroom.
The second that I walk in, I’m in awe. Everything about it is perfect, from the colors on the call to the four post bed in the middle. There are white hydrangeas on the bedside table that almost match the walls and a bay window that over looks the expansiveness of the property.
As a little girl, I always dreamed of having a room like this, but I knew that I was never going to get it. Yet, here I am, standing in it.
“The closet and bathroom are over here.” Bennett tells me, waving me over to a massive door that I didn’t even notice.
I follow him through the doorway and let out a small gasp when I see a massive room filled with everything that any girl would dream of.
Dresses of every kind.
Purses for every occasion.
Heels in every color and height, sitting next to every article of clothing that you could imagine. Men’s clothes in the corner and suit organized by color.
Everything is so organized, and ready to be worn.
“What is all of this?” I ask after finding my voice. I take in every aspect trying to figure who all of this belongs to.
“A gift from me to you.” Bennett voices and right away my eyes leave the clothes and go to him.