“Should we go inside?” I try to smile over at Charlie but it comes out strained.
“Why do you look like you are going to puke?” My sister takes a step back while she examines me like I’m about to cover her with everything in my stomach.
And honestly, I feel like it’s a possibility.
For once, I actually tell her what I’m feeling instead of covering up. “Because I’m freaking out. What if this is a bad idea? What if we both end up hating this?”
“Both as in you an me? Or both as in you a Bennett?”
“All the above?”
Charlie takes my hand in hers and give it a hard squeeze, acting like the best little sister that she is.
“We can leave. It may be awkward since they are looking right at us, but we think we can take the driver and steal the car and go back to out apartment.”
I can’t but to smile at her and squeeze her hand back.
“Tempting, but I think I just need to pull my big girl pants on and walk inside.”
“Whatever you say. I’m totally down to drive a hundred thousand dollar car.”
I let out a laugh, something that I really needed and for the first time today, I relax. I’ve been on pins and needles from the second that I woke up this morning and going about my day. I couldn’t even relax as I was getting my nails and hair down or even during my waxing appointment, something that my sister convinced me to do, no matter how much the esthetician told me to. So laughing at a moment like this feels good.
“Let’s go.”
With my sister’s hand in mine, we walk the few feet that separate us from Bennett and a part of his family.
All of them look so perfect. So put together, even with Bennett wearing jeans and a t-shirt and two of the kids wearing school uniforms that match Charlie’s. All the while, me and Charlie looked like we we just got home from the gym in what we are wearing.
We don’t belong here.
You’re doing this to make sure that Charlie stays with you. Remember that you are doing this for her.
I’m doing this for Charlie.
“Hi.” I send a small wave in their direction, feeling a bit awkward.
“Hi.” Bennett says back, an awkward smile on his face.
I don’t know how long we stand there, with awkward tension surrounding us as we both just look at each other waiting for the other to say or do something to break the tension. It must have been a minute or two and thankfully it’s broken when one of the teenagers says something.
“You two need to do something about your communications skills because they suck ass.” The boy that I haven’t meet says out loud, causing both Bennett and me to look over at him.
“Seriously. We’re supposed to believe that you are madly in love?” Charlie throws in.
A blush creeps up my face as I look up and see four pairs of eyes are looking between the two of us, as if we were a circus act.
Bennett clears his throat, all while his own blush covers his face, and tries to act less awkward but I can see by his face that he is struggling.
“Um, Elizabeth, this is my niece, Samantha and this is my nephew Grayson.” He waves to the two kids that I have yet meet. Is it weird calling two people that are maybe ten years younger than me kids? Does that make me sound old?
I put the old thought away and send a wave and a smile over to Bennett’s niece and nephew. “It’s nice to meet you. This is my sister, Charlie.”
Everyone greets each other and within seconds we’re back to standing around in awkwardness.
This is going so great.
“I can’t with this.” Samantha says, before coming over to Charlie and addressing her. “Do you want a tour or something? Maybe food? Let these two figure out whatever is going on with them.”