“Mr. Rosetti mentioned something about a watch that Ms. Serrano left in your office.” It doesn’t go unnoticed that even though we know that Marisela is a Lane, he doesn’t attache it to her. “What watch is he talking about?” He asks, his face full of contemplation.
I let out a sigh, and answer him. “The one dad gave Robert for his sixteenth birthday.” There is no need to describe the watch. Henry was the one that got it ready for him. Henry’s eyes go wide at my words, though. “What?”
It takes him a second to speak. “Do you have the watch with you?”
I give him a nod, and take out the device from my pocket, where it has been all night.
Handing it over, Henry looks at it for a second before he lets out a sigh and looks up at me with regretful eyes.
“This is how she knew you were here.” He says, placing the watch on the coffee table between us.
“What are you talking about?”
Henry lets out a sigh. “That watch has a tracking device, Sir. Your father put it in there before he gave it to your brother. Even though he trusted him, he still wanted to know where he was at for safety measure. It’s just under the dial. Small enough to go undetected.”
I feel like I’m having an out of body experience.
A tracking device.
If what Henry is saying its true and the watch has a tracking device, does that mean I had a Robert’s location all of this time?
“He took this watch with him the night he left.” I voice out loud. “You’re telling me you had access to my brother’s whereabouts all this time and you are just informing me?”
Anger rolls through.
Out of all the people in my life, I never expected Henry to betray me like this.
I’ve spent years looking for Robert and Henry knew that. All he had to do was tell me about the tracking device, and I would be able to find him, but he kept it to himself.
“I cannot express how sorry I am for not informing of this sooner, sir, but at the time there was no need. The device stopped working after three years or so, and nothing had come up since then. The fact that it even works now is a new development.”
Marisela must have had the watch and found the tracker and made it work somehow. Brining the watch to the office was genius because she knew that I would keep anything that was tied to my brother with me at all times.
Fucking conniving bitch.
I’m railing from all of this information when Henry speaks again.
“The watch isn’t the only thing that has a tracking device.”
“What else has one?” I find myself asking a little bit too aggressively.
He looks me straight in the eye as he answers. “The bracelet I gave Mrs. Lane a few weeks ago. One of the diamonds is a tracker and not a real diamond.”
The bracelet comes to mind right away. It was my mother’s and when Ella showed it to me, I was a little stunned.
When it came to my mother’s jewelry, I handed it over to Henry because I didn’t want to lose any of it or give it to the wrong person. There are a few pieces that I already set aside for certain occasions, and have yet to use but other than that Henry can do what he wishes with them. So the fact that he gave Ella something was monumental. It means he sees her as more than just the woman I married to get CEO. He sees her as part of his family.
“So we can find Ella?” Elliot asks, everyone looking over at Henry for an answer.
“If she has the bracelet on, then yes.”
For first time all damn night, I feel fucking hope that I won’t find my wife dead somewhere.
All eyes turn to me.
“She hasn’t take it off since you given it to her.”
As soon as the words leave my mouth, Henry gets to work with our security team to start tracking the bracelet and Dante and his men start filing out so that they are ready to go when we have a location.