She stops chewing and bugs her eyes out at me. “No way.”
“Crazy, right?” I shake my head, refusing to let my brain spin back to memories from last night. I refuse to let myself think of that moment when he angled over me, filling my senses with his woodsy scent. He was so warm I wanted to throw my arms around him and hold him tight. And when he said he wanted to fuck me…
No. Don’t think about it, Irina.
Arielle pouts and her shoulders sag. “Now I wish I’d gone with you to the gala. Imagine being in the same space as Alexei Vadim? I’d faint.”
My brows knit. Arielle has had the biggest crush on Alexei since we were sixteen. I don’t know what she sees in him or why she thinks a bad person like him is swoon-worthy. Maybe it’s the same reason I imagined him actually fucking me.
“Be glad you didn’t. You would have lost your mind,” I say, reaching for my milkshake. “He’s so mouthy and annoying.”
My best friend waves a hand dismissively. “Please, he’s every woman’s dream.”
“He’s the head of the Russian mafia,” I counter, frustrated she doesn’t seem to see a problem with that. “He has illegal businesses and makes his money from them. He’s a murderer. He’s everything girls like us should be afraid of.”
Arielle inspects her manicured nails as if I’m just blabbing and she’d rather listen to me talk about how sexy Alexei is instead. “Who cares? He’s good-looking and rich.”
“You’re such an idiot.” I sigh and sip on my straw aggressively.
She beams a smile at me. “I don’t mind being an idiot if I could see that man naked. Did you get to talk to him?”
“Yes, and I told him I’d make sure to expose all his crimes.” My father runs an anti-organized crime organization and I’m a part of that organization. I have a few journalists I work with and my father has connections with the police. I’m sure I can put even a man like Alexei behind bars with enough evidence.
She yawns. “I think you’re a bigger idiot than I am. If you hate him so much, don’t you think he would hurt you before you even got a chance to have him arrested?”
I consider that, but for some reason, I really feel Alexei wouldn’t try to hurt me. “He won’t. I think he wants to fuck me more than he wants to hurt me.”
A sheepish smile curves her lips. “Did you say yes?”
“To what? Fucking Alexei?” I roll my eyes. “Why would I say yes when I don’t like him? Maybe I should have secured a spot for you.”
“All that man needs to do is look at me the right way and I’ll be naked, waiting for him.”
“That’s gross.” But I smile as a mental image pops in my head. It’s not right to fantasize being touched by a man I don’t like, but he’s hot. There’s nothing wrong with that. I mean, I wouldn’t let him touch me that way in reality, or maybe I’m just a fucking hypocrite.
My phone rings and Mom pops up on my screen. I grab my phone and answer. “Hey, Mom.”
“Hey, Irina. Where are you?” my mother asks.
“At the café, with Arielle. We’re going to the animal shelter from here.” My mother doesn’t usually enquire about my schedule unless she’s made plans for me. “Anything wrong?”
“Your father wants you home for dinner by seven,” she says. “We have something to tell you.”
I don’t like the unnerving feeling I get from that, but I say, “Alright. I’ll be home early.”
“Be home by six at the latest. Remember your father doesn’t like it when you’re late for family dinner.”
“I’ll be home early, Mom. Take care of yourself. I love you.” I hang up before she can nag any further.
Arielle looks at me cautiously. “Everything okay?”
“My mother wants me home early, something about a family dinner and them needing to tell me something.” I can’t think of anything they’d need to say that can’t be said over the phone, and now I have to spend the rest of the afternoon with the suspense.
Arielle and I finish our food and head to the animal shelter, where we volunteer. The first thing I do is scoop up Rooney, a bunny I rescued a week ago. I brush her fur with my fingers as I inspect her for injuries. Thankfully, she doesn’t have any.
“So, about Alexei,” Arielle says, scooting in beside me. “Have you ever considered that maybe he’s not as bad as you think?”
I hold back a sigh. The last thing I want to do is talk about Alexei. He’s taking up a good portion of my thoughts as it is. Thinking of him will only make matters worse. “No, I don’t think so. My father has dedicated his life to bringing men like him to justice, there’s no way I’d make excuses for him.”