Page 5 of Devil's Bride


I put Rooney back in her cage and twist my body to my best friend. “No. We’re not talking about him.” I stand and dust my denim pants. “I don’t care about whatever weird crush you have on him, I’m not entertaining any excuses.”

“For someone who doesn’t know me, you seem to hate me quite a bit.”

My muscles go rigid at the sound of that deep, throaty voice, rich with Russian accent. I have to be hallucinating.

The sheepish grin on Arielle’s face is proof that I’m not.

I whirl around and I’m staring into dark-brown eyes that make my spine stiffen. It’s hard to focus on my displeasure at seeing him as my eyes drift over his body. He’s wearing a black Tom Ford suit. His onyx hair is ruffled and his face glows in the sunlight like a supermodel ready to walk the runway.

I don’t miss the sharp angles of his jaw and the crinkle at the corner of his eyes as he smiles at me. Honestly, Alexei is easily the most handsome man I’ve seen all my life. What the hell is he doing here and why does he smell so goddamn good?

“You don’t look happy to see me,” he says, and I notice one hand tucked away in the pocket of his pants.

“Is there a reason to be?” I drawl. I can’t let on it’s hard to breath or think when I’m around him. He’s a stranger I only know from his rumored brutality. I hate that my body reacts to him in this manner.

He chuckles and it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. “Considering you’ll be seeing my face very often, I suggest you get used to it.”

My brows lift as I cross my arms over my chest. “We don’t have a cage big enough for your ego.”

His laugh reverberates in the open space. “Your smart mouth will do you no good, malyshka.”

“Don’t call me that!”

“Or what?” He runs a hand over his dark hair. “You’ll be pissed at me?”

I tsk. “Is getting women angry your specialty? I mean, besides being a murderer and trafficker.”

His eyes darken and I smile. I like it when my taunting gets to him.

“Careful now, malyshka,” he drawls. His calm voice is edged with something I can’t quite place. Anger? Pain? Either way, something tells me it wouldn’t be a good idea to push him any further.

“What do you want?” I ask.

“I’ve come to claim what is mine.”

I crane my neck to look at Arielle who’s gazing at Alexei like she’d jump on him and beg him to take her home. I turn back to face Alexei. “What?”

The corners of his eyes crinkle again. “I see you don’t know.”

“Know what?” I snap. If he’s going to waste my time over some bullshit, then I’d rather watch Rooney eat some carrots.

“Get your things, I’m driving you home.” It’s an order, I can tell from the seriousness in his tone.

I reel back, unfolding my arms. “You don’t have the right to tell me what to do.”

“I do. You choose; I can stay here all afternoon and watch you feed your bunny friends, or you can be a sweet little malyshka and come with me.”

He’s either hard of hearing or he doesn’t understand simple English. “I am not going with you.”

A cocky grin forms on his face. “I don’t take no for an answer.”

“Get used to it.” I turn around and make to leave when he grabs my arm. His grip is gentle, but the heat from his hand seeps through my skin, searing into my bloodstream and working its way down my spine.

He pins me with a stern look. I really can’t tell if he’s angry, but something tells me it wouldn’t be wise to provoke him. I need to remind myself the man in front of me is the most dangerous man in New York, a devil of his own making.

Twisting my arm, I free myself from his grip and hold his gaze. He’s being polite by asking and fighting won’t stop him from taking me if he wants to. My eyes dart to the black SUVs lined up at the other side of the field. At least three men in suits are standing there, hands reaching for their pockets as they stare at us. All he has to do is say a word and they’ll either shoot me dead or take me against my will. “Fine, I’ll come. But don’t fucking lay a hand on me.”