Page 85 of Three of a Kind

I haven’t built my reputation by being impulsive, but that’s exactly what I was.

And I paid the price.

If Maverick and Gunner hadn’t swooped in to save the day…

I’d have met my maker as soon as my usefulness wore off.

I bring my hand over, brushing my fingers over Brooklyn’s cheek as she snoozes.

The nurses helped me scrub the blood from my face, arms, and hands.

I also stripped down to just my boxers, but I still feel dirty.

“It’s taking some getting used to…” Gunner softly clears his throat. “I like my solitude, but Brooklyn links us together strongly enough that I’m picking up bits and pieces from you.” He comes over, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. His fingers run through her long hair, and he sighs. “She’s probably too good for all of us.”

“I know,” I murmur, studying the few light freckles on her cheeks.

“Avan is going to burn this city to the ground, searching for Dustin’s killer.” Maverick comes in and takes a seat next to Gunner. “That’s why I’m not going to bond her until he’s handled.”

“Don’t get caught up in your feelings now,” Gunner says softly as he watches Brooklyn. “You might have landed the final blow, but all three of us are equally responsible for Dustin’s death.”

“Yeah, but if it comes down to it…” Maverick runs a hand through the long hair on top of his head. “I’m just saying, she could live without me.”

“We’re not going down that road.” I point at his chest as I continue to keep my voice low. “Dustin said someone was feeding the enemy information, but it wasn’t him. He made it seem like he suspected it was Brooklyn, but we all know she doesn’t know shit about the Barretts.”

“So, it was Dustin who hired the guys for the hit-and-run?” Gunner asks, his dark eyes narrowing.

“That’s who they were meeting, and it sounded like it, but I also don’t think he knew his brother originally tried to hire me to take out Brooklyn and Liberty.” My stomach rolls at the thought.

I live in the gray.

I work with criminals regularly, and his request is one that will haunt me to my dying day.

I’ve always known there are some especially vile motherfuckers out there, living their lives. I’d just never gotten a front-row seat to how low some people are willing to stoop, and that’s saying a lot, considering my profession.

“Avan is definitely the lowest form of trash there is,” Maverick says, stretching a hand around Brooklyn’s middle to rub her stomach.

“It might be time to call in some real backup,” Gunner muses.

“I have a team I trust too,” I concede. “I’m sure they’ll give me hell about my epic failure, but they’ll come if I call.”

“That’s good to know, but this is a somewhat personal grievance.” Gunner sighs. “The company we work for has had Avan on their radar for quite some time. We are going to need a decent-sized army at our backs to handle his minions, though.”

“That feels like tomorrow’s problem,” Maverick says, studying Brooklyn’s sleeping face.

“One of you will have to carry her in to sleep with Libby. I’d try, but I’m not sure I could keep myself upright at this point.” It burns my pride to admit it, but I know my limits.

“You sleep with them,” Gunner tells Maverick. “I’ll stick around and make sure our new packmate doesn’t throw a clot while he sleeps.”

“Thanks, man.” I chuckle to cover for how unsettled I’m feeling. I have no problem being part of a pack, but we also met four hours ago. And now, we’re tied together for life. That’s going to take some getting used to.

Libby runs in the next morning, waking me out of a dead sleep. Maverick follows her in, but he’s not swift enough to keep her from getting an eyeful of me.

“Oh no,” she says, climbing up on the bed at my side. “Noble, you got hurt bad.”

My name still sounds like bo-bull, but it’s so totally Libby that I smile and wrap my arm around her lower back to keep her from falling off the edge.

“Don’t worry, shortstack. I’ll be good as new before you know it.”