Page 86 of Three of a Kind

She leans her hands on my chest, studying my face. “I’m gonna kiss it better.” She nods and bends to lay a slobbery kiss on my cheek. “Mommy kisses boo-boos all better.”

I chuckle. “What do you know? I think I’m on the mend.” I pat her back. “Hey, did you like the doll?”

“I love her!” Libby declares a little too loudly. “I’m gonna go find her.” She gives me another kiss and slides down the bed.

“Do you need anything?” Maverick asks me as he bends down to pick up Liberty.

I shake my head. “Nah, I’m good for now.”

He nods, tickling Libby’s sides. “Let me know if that changes.”

“What in the world are you doing?” Brooklyn gasps from behind me.

Grimacing, I turn around slowly. “I’m rancid. I need a shower.”

She frowns, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. “Did the doctor say it was okay?”

I’m stubborn and don’t like to be told no, so I purposely avoided asking.

“Where’s Libby?” I ask to distract her.

“Grandma Bea, Stacia’s grandmother, is keeping her company for a while. Libby loves her already.” Brooklyn licks her lips as her eyes dance down my chest. “I think kids just automatically love old people.” She shrugs. “Maybe she’s enamored because she’s not used to having any grandparents around.” Her gaze slowly meanders back up to meet mine, but she gives herself away with how her interest pulses in the bond. “You never answered my question.”

I chuckle at the way she plants her hands on her hips.

It seems I need to be more mindful. The bond is an excellent way to get insight into where her head is at, but she can do the same in return.

“I can still smell blood. I need to rinse off.”

“Bless said she had someone stop by and grab some of your clothing.” She frowns. “Okay, get naked. We’ll clean up together.”

“Mama,” I say with a laugh. “If I go down, there’s no way you’d be able to stop me.”

“Nope,” she agrees. “But I’d know to go for help.”

“Scooping me up off the shower floor isn’t your boyfriends’ job.” I slide a hand down my abs and drop my boxers.

Brooklyn keeps her eyes on mine, like she’s making a point to not let me distract her. “At least one of those boyfriends is now your packmate. It’s probably time you come to terms with that.”

I snort, striding over to the cabinet to grab a few extra towels. With that mane of hair, I have a feeling she’s going to need more than one.

“If nothing else, your dick seems to be feeling better,” Brooklyn says sassily as she soaps my chest and abs.

“There was never anything wrong with my cock.” I quirk an eyebrow as the appendage in question jumps against her stomach.

Although, the doc did make it clear I should avoid any and all strenuous activity for at least three to five days.

I wonder if it counts as strenuous if Brooklyn is on top.

“Do you want to tell me what happened last night?” she asks, moving her hands to my hips and twisting me until I’m the one under the shower spray.

“I’m sure you get the idea.” I tilt my head to the side to keep the water from cascading over the surgical glue. “Those guys in the SUV won’t be a problem for you. They’re taken care of.”

Brooklyn stares up at me from under her lashes as her lips tip downward. “I appreciate that, but in the future, I’d rather you be safe.” Her fingers dip into my abs as she tenderly caresses my skin. “I get the feeling you’re used to being kind of a lone wolf. I need you to work on being part of a pack. I’ll feel a lot better knowing you have someone watching your back.”

“Mama,” I groan as her hand wraps around my shaft.

“I’m just being thorough in my cleaning,” she says playfully. The shy smile that tugs at her lips makes me ache to eat her alive.