“Right now, any decision you make will feel like the wrong one, Sophia.” God he loved the taste of her name on his tongue. “It’s your call. But you accepted my help for a reason.” He glanced around the room then nodded at the closet. “Grab your things. It’s not safe here.”
He backed into the hall and left her sitting on the bed.
For a few minutes, he swept the rest of the apartment looking for more clues or evidence. Nothing.
He passed Sophia’s room and watched her pull a bag out of the closet before he headed back into her daughter’s room.
The space was a disaster. Even the little girl’s drawings were torn, and red spray paint slashed across the rainbow mural on the wall.
Who did this to a kid? He rocked his jaw back and forth. The same sick bastards who’d dared to touch her. He took a step further into the room and the pain in his chest from earlier came back tenfold. An empty picture frame lay on the floor, the glass shattered. He picked up the two pieces of the ripped photo and meshed them together.
Sophia sat on a rock near the ocean, her daughter sitting between her legs. Sophia’s arms were wrapped tightly around her in a bear hug.
He’d never known love like that from his mother.
Bella’s smile revealed that she basked in Sophia’s affection daily. Her long dark hair and olive-toned skinned matched her mom’s, but she had huge blue eyes.
His heart warmed. Bella was a cute kid. Her cheeks cherubic, her eyes twinkling with mischief, as if she knew how to get exactly what she wanted.
Determination set his shoulders.
He’d suggested the alliance to get Sophia off his ass. It wasn’t a sure-fire way to clear his name—hell, nothing would do that. But if he could buy a little time until he figured out his next move, that’d be ideal.
Now, though. Now this felt personal. Except it wasn’t. Bella wasn’t his kid. Sophia wasn’t even a friend, for Christ’s sake. And yet anger, hot and fierce, lit his veins.
Maybe it was his upbringing. He’d been bounced around from foster home to foster home until he and Dallas, his twin, had finally made it on their own. Maybe it was the fact that the young boy inside him ached for a parent to hold him like Sophia held Bella in that photo.
Whatever. Didn’t matter. The past was the past, and he couldn’t change it.
But he’d make damn sure this little girl got home.
He moved to the bookcase and righted it against the wall then set the picture and frame on top. Moving away, he stepped on something soft. He looked down and lifted his foot to find a spotted stuffed animal. He bent down and scooped up the long, thin... mouse? Some kind of rodent wearing a pink tutu, ballet shoes, and a silver tiara.
Likely the only stuffed animal that hadn’t been slashed. Bella would need something from home when she was found. Something that would comfort her and allow Sophia to hide the assault on her belongings until the room could be cleaned up.
“Okay, I’ll do it.” Sophia’s voice dragged his gaze to the doorway.
She’d changed into magenta-colored yoga pants that showed off her slim legs and a white T-shirt, over top of which she wore a gray cardigan. She looked cozy and cute. She’d pulled her hair out of the careless ponytail, and it now hung over her shoulder in waves.
Desire burned in his belly. Goddammit, his attraction to Sophia was downright dangerous. He had to get a hold on whatever it was about her that sent his libido through the roof.
He lifted his eyebrows, waiting.
“I’ll call the number. We’ll keep this from the police.”
He nodded and stepped over the debris on the bedroom floor. “I think that’s smart.” He passed Sophia the animal. “It’s the only one not ruined. Maybe you can take it with you for when we find her.”
The corners of Sophia’s mouth turned down, and moisture filled her eyes. Ah, shit. He hadn’t meant to make her cry again.
She sniffed and laughed softly. “Honey Funny will make her so happy.” She cuddled the stuffed toy to her heart and brought her gaze to his. “Thank you.”
He shrugged and scratched his beard. He hadn’t done a thing, but no point arguing. “Some of her clothes would be a good idea, too.”
She nodded. “I’ll gather some things and then make the call.”
Her shoulder brushed his arm as she passed, and a jolt of electricity shot through him. His body hummed with need.