Cole didn’t sway when her weight gave out. He held her steady until she forced her muscles to go solid beneath her.
“Maybe not,” he said, his tone hard but hopeful.
She finally pulled her face away and ran her fingertips over the wet spot she’d left on his shirt. Tilting her head back, she stared into his face. His eyes were set and unrelenting, yet something else lingered in the gray surrounded by black lashes that most women would pay for.
Looking into the depths of his irises was like looking at a book of secrets. She couldn’t read the encrypted words, but it was clear that there was much more to this cold-blooded killer than met the eye.
“What do you mean?”
“Come see.” He dropped one arm but kept the other around her waist, leading her into the blue-and-cream-toned primary bedroom. Her room appeared untouched, the message clear as day that the kidnappers cared only about hurting her through her daughter.
Memories flooded her mind: Bella crawling into Sophia’s big bed during a loud storm. Cuddling under the covers and watching cat videos or reading a story together. Staying up late to eat popcorn on the bed and watch a movie.
Moments that seemed years away.
Had it really only been that morning that she’d been in this room telling Bella not to forget her socks?
A message in red spray paint on the wall above the queen-sized bed tore her from her disbelief.
Call to make a trade.
Sophia’s sharp intake of breath made Cole grimace at her distress. The message could be a ruse to lead her on, or to divert her from the case, but nonetheless it was a positive sign.
Not that he was open to Sophia agreeing to anything. But if the message meant her daughter was still alive, it was a good thing.
A small black object on Sophia’s still-made bed caught his eye. He scooped up the old-school flip phone. Untraceable. “I take it this isn’t yours?”
She frowned. “No.”
“Sounds like they want to speak with you.”
She took the phone from his fingers and yanked it open. “There’s one phone number in the contact list.” She jerked her head up, chewing the center of her bottom lip. “I need to take this to the police.”
Cole clenched his hands at his sides so he wouldn’t do something stupid like punch a wall. When would she figure out that the police weren’t efficient? “I don’t think that’s a good idea, unless you want every step micromanaged.”
She growled then sighed. “It’s just... I’m going against everything I’ve been taught. I’m not a vigilante. Neither are you. And—”
He let out a derisive laugh. She was making it harder and harder for him to bite his tongue. If it weren’t for the devastating predicament she was in, he wouldn’t bother. But she didn’t need grief from him on top of her own trauma.
“Look, I’m not here to make decisions for you. But if you want your kid back alive, I suggest you leave the cops out of this.”
“And then what? The kidnappers might want ransom or something I can’t deliver. Maybe they’ve targeted me because they think they’ll get more money attacking a detective.”
“Is that what you want to do? Make a trade for Bella?”
Pink crept into her cheeks. “No, but I want her back. And I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure she’s returned.”
“Then listen to me, for fuck’s sake.”
“And what’s your plan? How are we going to get her back if they want something only the police can deliver?”
“I’ll kill every single one of them,” he said, finality in his tone. He’d do what he’d always done, plain and simple.
Only this time, he had to find a person alive first. A task he’d never been faced with.
Sophia blinked rapidly, as if holding back tears. “Believe me, I want to call this number more than anything. I’m just terrified I’ll make the wrong move.”