He had to get a fucking grip.
There wasn’t a single realm or dimension where he could get with her. Not a chance in hell she’d touch him. She thought he was the scum of the earth.
And she was right.
No matter how hot Sophia was, she was off-limits.
Sophia entered Cole’s apartment behind him. He dropped her bag on the recliner near the built-in fireplace. Curiosity gnawed at her.
Exactly how much money did an assassin make? How many people did he have to kill a year to keep his luxurious home?
“I’ve got a spare room next to my bedroom. You can stay in there if you want. Or take my bed.”
She tucked her arms beneath her breasts. “I don’t plan on sleeping.” While she couldn’t expect Cole not to rest, the idea of not working on Bella’s case for even a minute pained her.
He eyed her carefully. Lord, he was so unreadable. She craved an opportunity to peer into his mind, to see how his calculated brain operated. He was cold and reserved, yet she’d gotten the odd glimpse into another side of him. His promise to return Bella seemed to stem from something deeper than what they’d agreed on—some commitment to himself. As dangerous as he was, there was a protective streak beneath the grit and aloofness.
Seeing him hold Honey Funny had melted the icy corners of her heart. The stuffed animal had looked so tiny in his huge hands, so girly in contrast to such raw masculinity.
“We can take shifts. You sleep for a couple of hours then I’ll sleep for a couple.”
She made a face. “I’m not tired yet.” It had to be after midnight. An ache spread through her insides. Was Bella sleeping? Was she warm?
Bella hated the dark when she was alone.
Her breath quickened. No, no, no. She wouldn’t have another anxiety attack or whatever that was that had pushed her to her knees the first time she was in Cole’s apartment. She needed to stay focused and keep chugging along.
“I’m going to call that number now.”
Cole nodded and moved next to her, crossing his arms, while she pulled the phone from her cardigan pocket.
He covered her hand before she flipped open the device. “Don’t let them know you’re not alone. And don’t agree to anything. Ask to talk to Bella.”
Right. She should have been operating on all the training her career provided, but logic and coherence went out the window whenever she thought about Bella. “Got it.”
She tapped the number and hit the speaker button. The ringing drummed through the apartment, driving her heart rate through the roof.
What if it was a prank? Or a trap? The phone trembled in her hand.
“Took you long enough,” a gruff, distorted voice grumbled.
Sophia rose onto her toes, hope filling her heart. “Let me speak to my daughter.”
A snort came through the line. “You’re in no position to make demands.”
She lifted her gaze to Cole. His jaw was set in a hard line, his body radiating rage and testosterone. If the man on the other end of the phone was in the room with them right now, Cole would probably rip him to pieces with his bare hands.
The image made a thrill rush through her. This was a situation in which she’d be okay with violence and murder.
“What do you want from me?”
“It’s not what I want, Detective. It’s what I need you to do.” The man’s tone was direct.
“And that is?”
“You have a new informant on one of your cases. I think you know what I’m talking about.”