It wasn’t working.
Everything was muted and twisted, and I shivered, but it wasn’t from the cold. Lately, it was never from the cold.
I got dressed in a blur.
In a moment of lucidity, I panicked over the fact that I couldn’t find a single pair of underwear. The moment passed, and I quickly forgot about it. I was too tired to care as I pulled on my dry clothes.
Peeking out the bathroom door, I was relieved to find the bedroom dark. All my teammates were sleeping in their beds.
With chattering teeth, I tiptoed across the rug toward my friend. John snored softly as he faced the wall.
Climbing into bed beside him, I resisted the urge to curl up against his warmth.
John belonged to the pretty girl who’d sucked on his dick.
He wasn’t mine to touch.
Pulling my hoodie up over my head, I squeezed myself into a ball under the covers and, through lowered lashes, looked across the room at the bed I’d been avoiding.
Orion’s arms were draped casually around Scorpius and Malum. They clung to him like they were afraid he would disappear.
All traces of the crazed man that had chased after me were gone.
His stunning, almost too-pretty features were relaxed in sleep, and he looked like some type of whimsical fairy-tale creature.
I knew better.
The dying fire caressed his golden skin like a lover.
Long lashes fluttered, and dark eyes opened wide. Orion turned his head to the side and looked directly at me. His pupils expanded.
A shudder shook through me, and I bit down on my lower lip to stop my teeth from chattering.
I pulled the blankets up to my chin and scooted back closer to John.
Orion kept staring. He didn’t blink.
In the darkness his eyes had a slight green sheen to them that reminded me of a cat’s.
I hid my face under the covers and breathed raggedly. After counting to one hundred, I peeked out and looked over.
With his face angled forward, high, arched cheekbones made Orion look wicked.
The harsh lines of his expression looked positively depraved. Uptilted eyes were wide and staring directly at me.
It hit me how stupid I’d been.
Just because a monster was prettier and quieter than the others, it didn’t make it any less terrifying.
It made it worse.
I stared back, unable to reconcile the quiet man who’d kissed me softly and smiled gently with the one that had chased after me. It seemed wrong that his mates were clinging to him like he was their salvation.
Did they know the extent of his madness?
Perhaps I wasn’t the only one who’d been living a lie.
Time ticked by slowly, but I couldn’t close my eyes. My brain refused to shut off and relax. I couldn’t sleep while a devil was watching me with gleaming eyes.