So I didn’t.
Seconds became minutes. Hours passed.
Orion never looked away.
Neither did I.
By the time morning came around, my back was fully plastered against John for support, and my jaw ached from gritting my teeth.
My eyes were bleary from staring.
When Scorpius and Malum woke, they stretched and smiled at Orion. Wrapping their arms around him tiredly, they pressed kisses along his jawline and neck while whispering to each other.
Finally, Orion tore his eyes off me, and his expression softened.
He smiled back at his mates and relaxed like he hadn’t been lying stiffly for hours in their embraces.
I stumbled out of bed and ran to the bathroom.
I took another cold shower. Scrubbed my skin raw.
Stumbled down the halls.
At breakfast, I rubbed the bags under my eyes and pushed my eggs back and forth across my plate. Students murmured with excitement, but for the most part, the hall was quiet with anticipation.
It was the day of the second competition. Two of four. After today we’re halfway there.
I rubbed my hands over my arms and tried to convince myself everything was fine.
Next to me John smiled and made a bad joke about a chicken crossing a street as he chowed down on the mountain of food that was piled high on his plate.
Across the hall, the man crucified on the sacred tree opened his mangled lips. He said something, but the sound didn’t travel. None of the students sitting near him acted like they heard him. He was ignored.
John flung his arm across my shoulder and made another joke.
I forgot to laugh.
At the commoner table, a familiar-looking woman stared longingly at John. She was uncommonly pretty, and I realized she’d sucked his dick a few days ago.
I pulled John’s arm off me and scooted away.
“Don’t make me chase after you, Aran.” John’s smile fell.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me back beside him. He mumbled under his breath, “You don’t get to leave my side.”
I looked up at him with confusion, but he was grinning and eating like nothing had happened.
Maybe I’d imagined it?
It wouldn’t be the first time.
Across the hall, the pretty woman’s expression was shattered. A tear streaked down her face. A few feet away at the other table, Sari glared at me with disgust.
I turned my head in the other direction.
Sadie was slumped forward with a scowl on her face. All the shifters stared at the thirteen-year-old girl who sat perfectly straight as she cut the crust off her bread, with a ferret around her neck.
I looked away from Jinx with shame. A child under my care has suffered.