She’s rambling, maybe with nerves, or maybe she’s just a chatterbox. But I don’t get any bad vibes from her.
“Again,” I say, cutting her off and getting her attention. “Who are you?”
“Oh, sorry, my bad. I don’t get to talk to many people,” she laughs awkwardly. “I’m Dynika.”
“Dynika. Nice to meet you. Do you wanna tell me why you’re in my room and what your business is with my father?”
"Ah." She bites her lower lip. "As I said, I wanted to meet you. He said I could soon. But I couldn't wait."
“My f-father,” she stumbles over her words. “Well, your father. Our father?”
My brows raise so damn high I'm surprised they don't shoot off my face. "Hold up." I raise a hand and blink a few times. "Did you just say... our father?”
“Yes.” She nods eagerly.
“You're telling me, you're my sister?”
“Yup.” She beams even bigger. “Same dad, different moms. Sadly, mine is dead. At least I think she is. Probably. She was a crack whore, and it’s been years since I’ve seen her, so I’m sure she’s OD’ed by now. Unless Tyrone killed her.”
I feel like I’m in the damn twilight zone.
“Okay, rewind. I’m gonna need you to fill me in from the start, or I’ll be asking a new question every five seconds.” I take a seat on the end of the bed, the shock of the news taking over. What is even going on right now?
"Of course," she agrees, rushing to take the chair from the desk. She pulls it closer to me. "I'm Dynika, your older sister. So, pretty much from what I've been told, and found out on my own is that our father had a fling with my mom. She got pregnant with me. She told him, but he wanted nothing to do with us, so he cut my mom out of his life. I'm not surprised. He's this big powerful man. Then he met your mom, got married, and had you. And then, your mom, who was so damn brave, got away," she says in an almost dream-like state. "I've been dreaming of being able to do that for a while."
“Do what?”
“Escape.” She smiles.
“Wait, you don’t want to be here?” I ask her.
“Hell no.” She laughs. “I have no choice. You think you’ve got it bad? Girl, I’ve been locked up in this damn house for years. Hidden away like his dirty little secret, kept only in case I ever become useful to him.”
My head is spinning. I’m still so damn confused. I open my mouth to ask another question but she starts talking again. “Right, all the information so you have no questions. Anyway, so after your mom left with you, he tried to find you for a good year or two. Not liking the fact he couldn’t, that your mom bested him, he went searching for me. Found me real easy seeing how my mom and me weren’t trying to hide from him because we didn’t think he would want anything to do with us. Anyway, he gave my mom a few hundred bucks, told her to go get high and took me.”
“So, he just kidnapped you off the street?” I’m gape at her. Holy shit, this is like something out of a fucking daytime soap opera.
“Kinda? He promised me all these things I never had. I mean, would you pick a big house with everything you could ever need over living in a crack den? I was just eager to get out of that house before my mom started trying to sell my body to pay for her drugs.”
“Holy fucking hell.” I run my hand down over my face. “This is all fucked up.”
“Tell me about it. Trust me, it gets worse. I wasn't this perfect little virgin girl he could sell for a high price. Spoiler, that's the whole reason he wanted me. Same with you.” She gives me a pitying look as if I didn’t already know the answer to that one.
“So, because you’ve had sex before, he couldn’t sell you? Well, damn, I’ve been getting railed for months by five guys all the time. Sorry to break it to him, but if that's the case, I wouldn’t be worth much either. And the fact that I’m pregnant can’t help.”
“Wait... five?” her brows rise. “That's more than three,” she mumbles that last part to herself. “Maybe...”
“Yes, five,” I repeat. “All five guys who are going out of their minds trying to find me right now. So, be ready for that.”
She nods slowly. “To answer your question from before, no. I’m actually still a virgin.” Her cheeks heat. “It’s the ‘perfect’ part that I don’t live up to. To him, I’m defective. Epilepsy isn’t exactly a selling point. If he did his research before taking me, he would have known about my condition. So, he’s just kept me until he finds someone who’s willing to deal with my defect—his words not mine—but is also beneficial to him. I’m twenty-five and still here.” She shrugs. “But hopefully not for long.”
“And why do you think you’re not going to be here much longer?”
“Well, when your men come banging down the door, I can leave with you.” She gives a smile so damn big I don’t know what to do with it.
She's... an interesting person. A few screws loose, but who can I judge? I like getting chased through the woods and getting railed by masked men.