Dynika’s been locked up for years, I’d go a little stir crazy too if I was her.
“Oh, and also, the reason why he wants you is because he could still sell you for a good price. Even if you're not pure. Her...” She points to my belly. “Her on the other hand, would bring him a hell of a lot more.” Her face goes dark. “And that's why we need to kill him. Because I’d go down swinging before I’d ever let him hurt her.”
The idea of that fucking monster touching my child makes me want to gouge his eyes out and stab him until he’s weeping blood. I’d be dead before that bastard gets his hands on my daughter.
Well, shit. Whoever this girl is, I think I like her.
“I have a sister.”
“Yup.” She giggles.
“An older sister.”
“Not by much,” she tells me. “Six years.” I don’t even want to think about the life she’s lived while I was living pretty good until we left. Even then, life at Safe Haven was good. I had my guys, who did she have? From the sounds of it, no one.
“Do you have any idea how we could get out of here? You seem to be able to get in here without issues.”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I have free rein to roam the house, but there’s always someone watching. They would shoot me to disable me before letting me escape.”
“So, we’re stuck here until my guys get here?”
“Sadly, pretty much. But until he bans me from seeing you, I can keep you company.” The hope in her voice is so damn thick I don’t have the heart to turn her away. It’s like she’s craving company. And honestly, talking to myself is concerning me a little.
And, there's the fact I have a fucking sister! Not going to lie, even with all this fucked up bullshit happening, I’m pretty excited. I’ve always wanted a sibling. Even if this one is a little out there.
“Alright then,” I sigh. “You like Twilight?”
Chapter 16
The whisky burns as I swallow down the glass full of amber liquid. I'm trying not to drown my feelings in alcohol but it's fucking hard when the moment Raven was taken and shoved into that SUV keeps playing over and over again in my mind on an endless loop.
I failed her. She expected us to protect her, and we didn't. The third time's the charm, right?
Not again. We will get her back, or we will die trying. That's why we're here, sitting in my brother's MC clubhouse waiting for Link and the crew to get here. We called Andy and told her to send everyone who was available down here. We also told her to get one of the guys to give Link the address and let him go. There have been reports of at least five men being shot, three men were beaten within an inch of their lives, and many, many others have scrapes and bruises. But no one died... yet. So I'd call that a plus.
The hardest part is the waiting. Waiting for my brother to tell us what the plan is and waiting for everyone to get here because we can't do anything until they do.
“I’m going to kill you motherfuckers!” Link’s voice roars through the room.
"Whelp, Daddy Link is here," Hunter says warily, giving Otto a look. "You sure we're not allowed to have our guns? We promise not to shoot anyone. He..." Hunter points to the raging Link storming his way over to us. "On the other hand, he might kill us."
Otto raises his brow, looking bored of Hunter and his mouth. He’s had no real luck keeping the damn thing shut, but thankfully, this place doesn’t run the same way as it did when my father was in charge. So he hasn’t gotten his ass kicked... yet.
Three... Two... One.
I feel Link grab my shoulder roughly, yanking me off the stool and onto my feet. I let him, going willingly, knowing what's about to happen next, and I welcome it because I deserve it.
Just as my eyes land on him, his fist comes flying at my face. Pain shoots through my jaw as it snaps to the side. "That's for letting them get away with her," he snarls, low and dangerous as he grips my shirt. He pulls me towards him, his face an inch from mine. "I should fucking kill you," he sneers at me. "I should slit your throat and watch you fucking bleed out."
“Do it,” I tell him, voice horse. “But after we get her back.”
“Like she’s gonna let him,” Hunter scoffs. “You should just do it now and ask for forgiveness later.”
I shoot Hunter a look as Link pushes me back. Wiping my bloody lip, I flip him off. He just glares. He’s pissed at me too. Rightfully so. I’m trying really damn hard not to have a pity party for myself but fuck! I feel like a piece of shit.
The only one who can look me in the eye is Quinton. I don’t think he hates me, because he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Not after what happened to her last time.