Page 43 of Deadliest Throne

“We need to celebrate,” Hunter says. “Get the fuck out of this house, get a little bit of normalcy before Baby Bird is born.”

“And what did you have in mind?” Taylor asks. “No way in hell we can do what we would normally do to celebrate.” He means the race track. The twins haven’t been since the time I stole that guy’s car and nearly killed myself. Their words, not mine. I was fucking amazing if I do say so myself.

“Something fun. Something for the family,” Quinton adds, and I smile. “There’s the fair.”

“The fair?” I ask.

"Yeah, the next town over is having a little fall fair. Nothing much. Just some carnival games, and hay rides. Some really good food."

“Sold.” I try to jump up but my belly won’t allow it. I huff and Quinton chuckles, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. “Let’s go.”

“Wait,” Link says. “We’re not going anywhere.”

“I can’t stay in this house for another moment longer!” I shout, finally at my wit’s end. “I’m losing it, Link. I feel like I’ve lost myself. I do the same fucking thing every day. I’m depressed. I just want to get out, please.”

I hate that I'm crying. I hate that I'm making a bigger deal of this than I should, but I'm just tired of everything. Both physically and mentally.

He grinds his jaw, nostrils flaring, as I try hard not to lose it further. "Let me get some of the crew. I'm not taking any chances."

"Thank you." I give him a watery smile and wipe my face before taking a deep breath.

He’s dead. My dad is dead, and now it’s time to live my life. Fucking finally.

Chapter 11


"Would you please try to enjoy yourself?" I mutter, shooting a side eye at Link.

He snorts out a laugh, the sound of laughing children fills the air around us as we walk through the fairgrounds. "Nah, Little Bird. Because this shit isn't for me. It's for you. And as much as you wanna say it's for Andrew, he has no idea what's going on. It's all bright colors and pretty things. He's not going to remember."

“No, but I am.” I frown. “Is it so wrong of me to want to give my children everything I didn’t have?”

He stops and looks down at me with a sigh. “No, it’s not. And you're right. But, Raven, I don’t like this. It’s too open, too many people. You're pregnant, you can’t even ride any of the rides.”

“I know, but it’s not just for me. Look.” I point over to Hunter who is playing one of the carnival booth games. “He’s having the time of his life.”

“Fuck yes!” Hunter whoops after popping the last balloon. The booth worker grabs the biggest stuffie and hands it to Hunter. It’s a giant pink elephant.

“Of course, he is,” Link mutters. “He’s a big kid himself.”

“Stop it.” I slap his arm. “Look, fine, don’t enjoy yourself. But at least let us, please?”

“Fine.” He glares at me. “An hour. That's it. Then we leave.”

“Deal.” I give him a beaming smile.

"Hey, Little Mouse, look what I won for Baby Bird." Hunter holds up the elephant like it's his prize-winning pig.

“It’s adorable and will look perfect in her nursery.” I crook my finger, beckoning him to come closer. He grins, and leans in, letting me kiss him. “Thank you.”

“I fucking hate that thing,” I hear Taylor curse. Turning around, I look over to see Travis and Taylor walking towards us. Taylor doesn’t look so good.

“Are you okay?” I ask him in concern.

Travis pats his brother on the back. “He’s fine. Just can’t handle the rides.”

“Oh, did you go on the Gravitron?”