Page 44 of Deadliest Throne

“Nope. The tea cups with Andrew.” Travis grins so damn wide but grunts when his brother punches him in the stomach.

Quinton joins us, Andrew strapped to his chest. “He almost puked on me,” Q laughs.

“I did not,” Taylor mutters. “And fuck off, all of you or I’ll kill you.”

“No killing.” I laugh. “Come on, let’s go play some games and get some food. I’d kill for a corn dog right now.”

He gives me a smirk. “I thought you said no killing?”

I just grin and shake my head. “Smart ass.” But he’s my smart ass.

AN HOUR LATER, LINK makes it known that it’s time to go home. I don’t argue because honestly, it’s hot outside, my feet hurt, and I could use a nap. Quinton left not too long ago, headed back to the warehouse for work stuff.

I had fun though. Got to play some games, win some prizes, and ate lots of food. Even got a ton of photos of all of us.

Today was exactly what I needed. All I can hope for now is that with my father being gone we can work on getting back as much of our old life as we can. I can't say back to normal because our lives have never been normal. And I know they never will be.

“I’m gonna go check the cars out, make sure everythings good,” Link states.

“I’ll come with you,” Taylor offers, following after Link, carrying the giant pink elephant along with some more prizes we won in his hands.

“What is he checking for? Does he think someone put bombs on the cars or something?” I laugh at Hunter who has a sleeping Andrew in his arms.

“Yeah.” Hunter gives me a blank look, and my smile falls.

“What, really? Why?”

“Just because the person who wanted you alive is gone, doesn’t mean there aren't people who would want us dead. And with you being pregnant along with Andrew, we’re not taking any chances.”

“Fine,” I sigh, rolling my eyes. “I really gotta pee.”

“Come on, I’ll take you. There’s a place right there.” He points to a building a few feet away from us.

“You get this side, I’ll take the back,” Travis says, and Hunter nods.

After I waddle my ass over there, I slip into the women's bathroom. “Fuck,” I sigh happily as I pee. It’s like I’m going every five minutes these days. It’s fucking annoying when I’m trying to sleep.

When I’m done, I go to the sink to wash my hands.

As I’m drying my hands, I see a woman stepping out of the stall that was next to mine. She looks at me in the mirror, and I smile. “Cute dress,” she tells me. I’m in a black sundress with pink skulls. One of the only things I have that doesn’t look bad with this big belly.

“Thanks. I love your bag.” I point to her cute mini backpack.

“Thanks.” She smiles.

Turning, I go to grab a few more towels. As I’m ripping one off, I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. “Sorry,” is all I hear the girl say before I feel a prick in my neck.

Gasping, I spin around and look at her, eyes wide, my hand going to where she pricked me. “What did you do?” I ask, but the words sound a little slurred.

“What needed to be done.”

The back door opens and two men slip in.

I try to stay on my feet, my eyes going blurry as my body begins to feel numb. Panic claws at my throat as my heart pounds in my chest. My mouth opens but no sounds come out. My eyes fall to the floor by the open back door. Travis. He’s lying there. “Travis!” I try to call out but it comes out in a whisper. “Hunter.”

My eyes close and just before I fall to the ground, someone catches me. But it’s not one of my guys. “We got you, Raven,” a voice I don’t know says. “Everything will be fine.”
