Page 11 of Deadliest Throne

"What do you mean?" I sniff, wiping my eyes and looking over at him.

“He’s always demanding shit, using his big boy voice. If he doesn't listen, make him.”

Huh. Well, that's something I could try.

“What is taking everyone so long!” Quinton’s voice calls out over a screaming little one.

Shit. Andrew. I rush toward the door, where Q is standing, Andrew in his arms. His little face is red, tears streaming down his face.

“Hey, baby boy,” I coo, hating to see him like this. “It’s okay. Mama is here.” I reach out to brush his black hair out of his face and pause. “Shit.” I look down at my outfit and remember what’s dripping down my legs. I will not hold my baby in this state.

Thankfully, the tears stop and his crying slows to a little hiccup. “How do you do it?” Q sighs. “Just the sound of your voice and everything is good.”

“I’m magic.” I laugh. “And he just loves his mama that much, don’t you, sweet baby boy?”

Andrew smiles, and my heart explodes. I love this little man so much. He’s become my everything. Sometimes, I stay up at night, watching him sleep and wonder how someone could choose to not have him in their life, that other things are worth more than his precious little soul.

We get into the car, and I take the back seat so I can sit next to Andrew and keep him calm. Quinton and Hunter take the front, while the twins take the car they drove here.

“Nice outfit,” Q compliments, pulling out of the church parking lot.

“Thanks.” I laugh. “Hunter gave it to me. So, if Link is so against any of this, how were you able to get the time away to make this happen.” Even if Link’s been keeping his distance, he’s always got his eye on me in some way.

“Some shit just happens to be going on at the warehouse that needed his attention.” Hunter looks at me over his shoulder with a cheeky grin to wink at me.

“Of all the things, why this?” I ask. “The nun and priest get-ups, I mean.”

“That would be the twin's request. Don’t look at me. They’re the kinky fuckers,” he chuckles.

“How did you get the whole church to be empty, though?”

“Really, babe?” Hunter questions. “We own this town. We ask for something, they do it. No questions.”

“Point taken, but you’re going to send someone to clean it up, right?” I ask, biting my lower lip.

“Is a clean up needed?” Q grins.

“Fuck off,” I mutter. “You’ve all fucked me. Is it ever a clean event?”

They look at each other. “Point taken,” Q mimics my response from before. “We will send someone over. Maybe scrub it down in holy water because I damn well know whatever happened in there wasn’t godly at all.”

I grin. "Nope. It was downright sinful."

AN HOUR LATER, I’M showered, dressed, and sitting on the living room couch at Safe Haven. Mom has Andrew in her arms as she baby talks to him and dances around the living room, making him giggle.

Things at Safe Haven have gotten a lot more quiet in the past month. The town the guys bought was set up for living within two months.

By the time the last family left, I could tell that this world wasn’t for them. It’s not what they grew up knowing, so the town they moved to will give them a chance to get a bit of their old lives back without being controlled by sick and twisted men.

The only ones still here are Leah and Jack. Leah still isn’t ready to leave, and the moms told her she’s welcome to stay as long as she likes. That this is her and Jack’s home too.

“How are you doing, sweetheart?” Rachel, Link and Hunter’s mom asks, taking a seat on the couch next to me.

“I’m doing okay.” I smile back, putting a hand on my belly.

She follows the movement and smiles. “I knew this day would come.”

“What day?”