She looks up at me. “That you’d start a family with the boys. And yes, all of them because we knew from early on that none of them were willing to give you up.”
“Took them long enough to make me theirs.” I laugh.
“I don’t think so,” she replies. “They knew the life they lived. They didn’t want to throw you into it until you were ready. They didn’t want to rob you of the things you deserved.”
I nod my head. I know all this now. “How do you feel about it? What they do? Who they are? I know you all have run from that kind of life.”
She shakes her head. “No, not that kind of life. What our boys do might not be right in the eyes of society, but they are good men to the core. They would never hurt someone who didn’t deserve it. The people we ran from? They were truly sick and evil.” She gives me a sad look. “Your mom. She’s so worried about you. But I know our boys will keep you safe.”
“She knows?” I ask, eyes widening a bit. I know the guys keep a lot from their moms, no real details or anything. They’re just smart women and know enough of what's going on for the most part.
She nods. “The boys asked her questions, to find out everything she knew about your father. She gave the information willingly, of course, knowing it had to be important if they were asking. But she asked if you were in danger, and while Link was quick to say no, Hunter knew that they’re not god. And with what has happened in your past and with their father, they know something could always happen. They didn’t go into details, of course, just enough to know that your father, after all these years, is coming for you. The one thing she’s tried to avoid for so long.”
I look over at my mom, my heart aching. The things she had to go through being with him, the things she’s had to sacrifice to get us away and safe. My mom is the best, I love her so much, and all I want to do is be as strong and brave as she is. I smile as she kisses Andrew’s cheeks, making him squeal and giggle.
“Why is your son such an asshole?” I ask, swinging my gaze back to Rachel.
She bursts out laughing, a really musical laugh. “Oh, boy.” She catches her breath. “I don’t think I could answer that one. Link is... well, Link.”
“I know,” I mutter, leaning back on the couch. “And I love him, for exactly who he is. But he’s been a lot more dickish lately. I miss him.”
“I know, honey.” She places her hand on my knee, giving it a squeeze. “But if anyone could get him to smarten up, even just the smallest bit, it’s you.”
“At this point, I’ll try anything. Because he can’t avoid me forever.”
“Avoid you?” she asks, brows furrowing
"Yeah. He's hardly home, we don't talk much, and he hasn't touched me–and I don't mean sexually–since the night they found out about the baby."
“Ahhh.” She nods her head. “I got you.”
“Do you know something I don't?”
She chews on her lip, looking like she’s not sure what she can tell me. She sighs. “He loves you, Raven. No, love doesn’t even come close to what he feels for you. You’re it for him. His whole life, his humanity, his everything. That boy is so far gone for you, he would burn the world down for you.”
“I know.” I can’t help but smile.
“But losing your baby, while I don’t see him much, I know he hasn’t handled it well from what Hunter has told me. I don’t agree with what he did, going behind your back with the pregnancy tests. But I truly believe that he thought that this would make everything better. I don’t think he was trying to replace the baby you lost, but the pain that losing them caused.”
Fuck. There’s so much about this man that I don’t know. I don’t understand, but every piece of it just makes me love him more.
“He came to me. The night after you all found out you were pregnant again.”
“He did?” my brows furrow.
“I’ve never seen him so... lost? Link has never been one to share his feelings, to open up but I could tell something was eating at him. And I saw fear in his eyes. He’s not avoiding you because he wants to. He’s afraid he will hurt you or the baby. And if he was the cause of losing another one, I don’t think he would be able to handle it. As much as the idea of living in a world without you isn’t an option, I think living in a world where he was the reason for your pain, is a lot worse in his mind. He already blames himself for what his father did. He wouldn’t come back from that.”
And now I’m crying again. She gives me a side hug and kisses the top of my head. I don’t say anything because I don’t know what to say. I know I could never talk to Link about this. He wouldn’t give it the time of day. What I need to do is find a way to show him that everything will be okay.
Chapter 4
Mom has Andrew for the day. She pretty much showed up at my house, took my baby from my hands, and told me to get out for a few hours.
Seeing as how my guys would never agree to let me go anywhere that doesn't involve ten to twenty Black Venom men, I choose to just spend the time at the warehouse.
I haven't been away from him for more than an hour since we've gotten him and as Hunter and I pull into the shop parking lot, I can't help but check my phone for the tenth time in five minutes.