“Wait. Shouldn’t we talk to Link?” Hunter asks.
“Link is ready to kill anyone he lays his eyes on just out of pure fury that the bastard took Raven. Do you think he’s going to mind me agreeing to work with someone who could lead us right to their fucking door?”
“True,” Hunter says. “You got a deal.”
Titus slowly smiles, and it’s not a nice one.
“Pleasure doing business with you, little brothers.”
Chapter 15
I've been here three days, maybe four. I can't know for sure because I don't even know how long I was out before I woke up in this damn room.
I’ve been a mix of emotions since, and today I’m really starting to feel the effects of alternating between banging on the door as I scream for someone to open it, crying my eyes out until my head hurts, and finding things to keep myself entertained.
I’m fucking miserable but I’m doing my damn best to hold it together. Mostly because getting worked up isn’t good for Baby Bird. Plus, if I spiral, my judgment will be clouded, and I need to be clear minded while I'm here. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best.
Books help, I found out how to work the TV too, along with finding a stack of DVDs. Whoever was in charge of putting this room together, I know for a fact isn’t a man.
Did my father hire someone just for these kinds of things? Did she know she was getting a room ready for a person he planned on kidnapping?
Why the hell is this even my damn life?
I haven’t been able to talk to anyone because whoever’s been bringing me my food has been waiting for me to fall asleep before switching out my old tray with a new one.
So I'm surprised to hear a knock at the door as I come out of the bathroom from my twenty-sixth damn piss of the day.
“Hello,” the voice is low, feminine. “I’m gonna come in now. Hope you’re decent. Also, please don’t attack me, or you’re going to get us both killed.”
I know this is my chance, I could ambush whoever is about to come inside this room. But I’d be putting Baby Bird at risk, so my options are limited.
The door opens and my brows raise when I see a blonde woman step inside. Her eyes find mine as she shuts the door behind her. “Hi.” She gives me a nervous smile.
“Hi,” I say, blinking at her like a deer caught in the headlights.
“How are you feeling? How’s the baby?” she asks, looking down at my belly and smiling.
“Ah, lady, eyes up here please.” I blink at her in disbelief. Her eyes snap up to mine, cheeks pinkening.
“Sorry,” she whispers.
"How am I doing? Ah, let's see. My psycho-ass father has been searching for me for years, finally found me, and has kidnapped me. Also, found out he sold me to my boyfriend's dad when I was a child, so that's cool. Don't worry, he's dead now. But I'm guessing dear old pops is probably searching for the next rich sicko he can sell me off to."
She chews on her lower lip. “Sounds about right.” She laughs.
“Wanna tell me who you are, and why the fuck I shouldn’t grab the nearest blunt object and hit you over the head with it?” I ask, raising a brow.
She’s pretty. Blond hair, blue eyes. She looks to be not too much older than me.
“Please don’t hurt me. I’m not here to cause any trouble. I’m not even supposed to be here.” She gives me a nervous laugh, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Then why are you here?”
“I just really wanted to meet you.” Her face lights up. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Well, kind of. Whatever I was able to get by eavesdropping. Although I don’t think the information I’ve obtained is right. Because how can someone know someone they haven’t seen in years.”