“I will never get tired of hearing the heartbeat,” Travis says. “Hey, doc, can we get a recording of that?”
“For sure. I’ll grab some photos for you too, and I’ll put it on a drive.”
She cleans up my belly, and the guys help me sit up. When she comes back with the disk, she gives it to Link.
As we’re about to leave, I hold back. “I want to talk to the doctor real quick. I’ll meet you out there in a second.”
“Why?” Link looks from me to Cecilia and back. “Is everything okay?”
I roll my eyes. “It’s girl stuff okay. Some things you don’t need to know.”
“I need to know everything,” he replies stubbornly.
“Link.” I glare at him.
“Fine. I’m waiting in the hallway,” he growls before closing the door.
“Is everything okay?” Cecilia asks.
"Is it normal if I haven't felt the baby move?" I ask her, wringing my hands together nervously. I didn't want to ask this in front of the guys knowing how on edge they already are. "Like I know we saw baby, and everything looks to be okay. But shouldn't I be able to feel kicks?"
I haven’t voiced my worries to the guys either. I’ve been trying so hard to be the strong one, to show them that everything is going to be okay, but if I worry about one thing, it will ruin everything.
“I saw in your medical history that you’ve had a miscarriage. I can understand your worry due to that. And while it is common for most mothers to feel their baby kick around this time, sometimes sooner, you're eighteen weeks. Just give it time, and it will happen. Sometimes women don’t feel anything until twenty weeks.”
“Okay.” I let out a breath. “That makes me feel better.”
“Breathe, mama.” She smiles. “We’ve run all the tests, did everything we could. And all is good, great even. For right now, you don’t have anything to worry about.”
Little does she know, I have a very dangerous man out there with my name on his hit list.
Well, maybe not as far as death but he’s coming for me, that much I know.
“Everything okay?” Taylor asks as I join them.
“Everything is perfect. Let’s go home. I’m starving, so I want pizza for supper. And I’m thinking a movie because you assholes have been working too much lately, and I need cuddles with my men.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Hunter chuckles. “I’ll rub your feet too.”
I moan. “I’d suck your cock if you did.”
He gives me a deep belly laugh. “So, double the pleasure for you, is what you're saying.”
I give him a cheeky grin. “You can’t deny the pregnant woman.”
“Never.” He winks.
On our way back home, we pick up Andrew. The pizza gets here not long after he’s fast asleep, and the six of us sit on the couch, watching a cheesy horror movie—my favorite.
“They fucking deserve to die,” Link huffs as he grabs a handful of popcorn. “If you're going to be dumb enough to walk right for the killer, then what the fuck else do you expect to happen? For him to stop and ask you out for coffee?” he scoffs, shaking his head.
I bite my lower lip, grinning. I’m sitting in Quinton’s lap, top half of my legs on Link and feet on Hunter. My eyes flutter closed and I moan as he digs his thumb right in the perfect spot. “Oh fuck, yes! Hunter, right there.”
The whole room goes quiet, the only sounds are the screams of the girls dying on the TV.
Opening my eyes, I find them all looking at me with hungry eyes. “What?” I laugh.
“Can’t moan my fucking name like that, Little Mouse, and not expect me to bend you over the couch and fuck you right now.”