Page 20 of Deadliest Throne

Hunter just rolls his eyes.

“How you doing, little mama?” Travis asks, kissing my forehead.

“Good. Excited.” My eyes flick up to the TV as the wand moves around my belly, pressing keys on the keyboard. She’s right, I have no idea what I’m looking at.

“Alright,” she says after a few minutes. “Ready to see baby?”

“Yes.” I grin, biting my lower lip in anticipation.

She moves the wand around. “Here is one of baby’s arms.” We watch as the hand flexes like it’s waving.

“Oh my god. Why is that so cute.” My eyes well with tears.

“And here is...”

“Dude! It’s a boy!” Hunter cheers, jumping to his feet.

“What? How the hell would you know?” Link asks.

“Do you see how big his thing is? Takes after his daddy.” Hunter nudges Taylor’s shoulder who looks seconds from strangling Hunter.

“That’s not a penis.” Cecilia laughs.

“What?” Hunter asks, sounding disappointed.

“No. It’s the other arm,” she corrects, trying so hard not to laugh.

“Man, I really shouldn’t have had that edible before coming here,” Hunter sighs, sitting heavily back in his chair.

“What the fuck?” I glare at him. “Why are you getting high before coming to something like this?”

“I didn’t mean to,” he pouts. “I was hiding more ducks in Link’s office, and I found a baggie in his desk. It looked like the candy we get from the corner store, so I ate one. That's when T-Bone came into the office and told me they were his edibles that Link took away from him.”

“Dear god,” I sigh, closing my eyes before opening them again. “Are your guys like this?” I ask Cecilia.

“They have their moments.” She grins. “Now, I’m not telling you what baby is. I was told by Mama to write it down, so I will check after you see sweet baby's face.”

She brings the wand up and that's when we see our baby, really see them for the first time.

She presses a button on the computer, and I can hear the whooshing sound of the baby’s heart.

I lose it, happy tears spilling down my face. "There's really a baby in there." I look up to find Link staring at the screen, his eyes a little wild, causing me to worry. "Link? Are you okay?"

He blinks a few times but doesn’t look at me, he looks at Cecilia. “Is the baby healthy?”

“Yes,” Cecilia confirms without hesitation.

“Is she at risk?”

“Apart from the things we recommend for every pregnant woman, no.”

“So we won’t hurt the baby when we have sex.”

“As long as you avoid putting her in a position that causes the baby to be pushed on, no.”

He turns and looks at me. “I’m perfect, Little Bird,” he says, and I watch as a big weight lifts off his shoulder. He grabs my face and kisses me hard. “I fucking love you,” he murmurs softly against my lips. “And Baby Bird.”

I smile. "We love you too." Not going to lie, I'm happy that the doctor confirmed everything we've been telling him. Sex is back on the table, because the guys were done with Link's shit a while ago, but he still hasn't fucked me since the day he ate me out at the warehouse. However, he's been between my legs more than not. So, I'm not complaining. Although, my jaw is getting sore from sucking him off so much. Again, not complaining because he's right, I am a cock slut for them, and I'm not ashamed.