He stretches me wide and fucks me hard, my tits bouncing as he reaches around to cup them and play with the nipples. I’ve never felt so much stimulation at once from one man. My head goes blank, and I see stars, my body shaking far too soon. But if this all ends tonight, it’ll go out with pleasure and a bang.
“Fuck, Grizzly. God, I don’t want you to stop.”
That spurs him on, and he finishes in me again as I pulse around him. Too soon, he’s pulling out and helping me with my pants.
As Grizzly zips his pants back up, I dare ask the question, “Did you mean what you said?” It comes out in a whisper. My voice is so timid, and I’m scared to get the answer to the question. I know things can just slip out while people are in the throes of passion. But it felt so real.
He looks me dead in the eye with that piercing gaze of his, and tells me, “Yes.” Just one word, and I nearly have a heart attack.
“You love me?”
He nods. “I didn’t stutter.”
I let the words come out like vomit. “Then we have to tell her. I can’t live like this anymore. I’m falling in love with all of you. I want to be with you out in the open. And Harlow’s coming back to school next semester. You must know that.”
He sits back down in his chair and gives a nod. “I was hoping an idea would come to me. But yes, I know.”
I sigh, letting my head drop into my hands on his desk. It’s late, and I’m more than exhausted.
“I know what you’re thinking. You don’t want me to lose her. You think you would have to choose.”
I don’t even have to answer him. He’s basically reading my mind.
“But I don’t think it’ll be like that. Sure, she might be upset, mostly at me considering how I treated her and my officers when she told me about them. But she’ll never deny love from anyone. And I’ll face whatever happens for you. But she’s your best friend. I want you to decide how this goes, darlin’. I’m going to let you have control. Is that okay?”
I look up at him, my jaw popping open in surprise. I never thought I would hear such a thing from Grizzly. Me? In control?
“I need a few days to think about it. Can I go finish up at campus, get my study guides for the exams, and then let you know?”
He sighs. “I suppose you need to go back sooner or later, since we’re not making any headway on this Bratva problem—as much as I’d love to tie you to my bed and never let you leave.” He smirks at me, and my thighs clench together involuntarily at the image. “I’ll send Dart and Mikey with you. They’ll be with you pretty much twenty-four seven. I need Trap here, though. And please come back for your break.”
“Of course.” I stand up and go to him, squeezing him hard and giving him one last passionate kiss before I leave the room. I have a lot to think about.
Thank goodness, it’s the last day of exams. I don’t know if I’ve caught a cold or some kind of stomach bug. There have been a few people sick during the exam just like me. Or maybe it’s just all the late nights and the terrible fast food while I’ve been preparing for all of this.
Dart has been with me every step of the way, though Grizzly and Trap visit they can. But Dart is the one who helped me with all of my study guides and tested me with flashcards. I have never done well in exams. I had to fill myself up with Pepto and cold medicine in order to get through these.
As I circle the last answer on the last test before the end of the semester, I pick up the paper and drag it to the front. My feet scuffle across the floor like a zombie as I leave the room and head back to my bed. It’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about all day.
Dart must be so bored with me at this point. I did all that studying, and now I’m just going to go and sleep. He kept telling me he wanted to celebrate the end of my semester, but I made him agree to wait for one day. Just one day for me to get better. So, he’s planning a big thing at the clubhouse for tomorrow, and Mikey and two other prospects are around campus to make sure I’m safe.
And Addy hasn’t said anything, probably because of the change of guards here. So, I’ll have the time to finally figure out how we’re going to tell Harlow about this.
As I get inside, my stomach begins to grumble and this pushing sensation hits my throat. My purse still in hand, I run to the bathroom.
I lean over the toilet and puke out the little bit of food that I’ve had today. I’ve tried to keep it simple. Some toast and a single egg. But apparently, I can’t even keep those down.
I ran to the toilet so fast that I dropped my purse on the ground, and the little calendar I keep with me falls out. I usually use it to track my cycle, but I haven’t been doing that with all the chaos. And it makes me think.
No, it can’t be.
I pick it up and start sifting through it. I know this can’t be right. This can’t be happening.
I’m normally a bit irregular, but not like this. I’m nearly two months late. In all the excitement of the last few months, I didn’t even think… How could I have been so careless? I remember the day all three of my men took me for the first time, how their cum filled me to the point it was dripping out onto the pool table.
I know what I need to do next. Feeling this ill and all alone, I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but there’s nobody to tell. So many thoughts swirl through my head at the possibilities. I need to know the truth before I go to anyone else about it. I’m not going to be able to hide it if it’s true. Not forever. But I don’t want to cause unnecessary drama either.