Professor Garnet scowled, and Saffron widened his stance.
“No.” I covered my mouth after the word fell out.
Advisor Crowe’s eyes bugged. “What?”
I stuffed my hands in the big pocket of the hoodie and wrung them together. “I said no?”
“You heard her,” Professor Garnet added coolly.
Advisor Crowe’s eye twitched. “I’m your advisor. You cannot say no to me.”
I studied the square patterns on the blue blanket covering my legs.
“This will go in her file,” Advisor Crowe spat, turning to Professor Garnet. “I will be lodging a formal complaint. I’ll see her in my possession.”
Possession, I repeated the word in my mind. I should’ve trusted my instincts from the start.
Ram pushed Nurse Norah away from my side and gripped the back of my hoodie. It pulled uncomfortably on my ears as he yanked it off me.
Saffron snarled and tried to lunge for Ram over my bed, but Professor Garnet held him back.
Ram smirked. He held his hands up innocently before taking a step back.
“This is what your precious hands-off approach has done to her,” Advisor Crowe spat at Professor Garnet. “Look at her hair. The discoloring on her face! And that’s only what we can see. Hazing’s gone too far!” He shook his fist. “She felt the need to attack the entire student body during her Aptitudes. Aphrodite is special, and she needs protection. She’s coming with me, now.”
My breathing started to speed up, and I shook my head. I wouldn’t attack the entire student body.
“I don’t disagree with you,” Professor Garnet responded calmly in the wake of Advisor Crowe's anger. “The Institute’s not set up for mages in her position, and something needs to change. But right now, her leaving with you is not happening.”
Advisor Crowe stomped his foot. “Well, she won’t be leaving with you either!”
I took a few deep breaths as the two men glared at each other, locked in a stalemate.
My life. My choices. I couldn’t let them decide for me.
I peeked at Nurse Norah, who gave me the slightest nod. On the small table next to the bed, my phone screen blinked on. Another text message added to a list of ones I’d already missed. I picked up my phone and glanced at the time, mid-morning the day after my Aptitiutes. I’d slept for a little under twenty-four hours.
“What time am I seeing Roy?” I asked, much calmer than I felt.
Professor Garnet turned to me, his face filled with concern. “This afternoon, three-thirty.”
I nodded to myself. “I don’t know what I did. But, ah, I need some time to meditate. Something feels different….” I trailed off, looking at the pattern on the blanket again.
Ram stepped toward me as Advisor Crowe smiled victoriously. “I’ll have Ram take you to my office.”
Professor Garnet didn’t hold Saffron back this time. Putting one hand on my bed, the Greek God vaulted it, landing between Ram and me with his fists ready.
“Stop!” Nurse Norah yelled. “I will throw all of you out, faculty or not, if a fight starts in my ward.”
Ram growled but backed up.
I took a deep breath. “Have I been excused from classes for the day?”
“You have,” Nurse Norah answered.
I bobbed my head and looked at the nurse. “Um, could you tell me where cosmetology is?”
Nurse Norah beamed. “Of course. I’ll take you there myself while Professor Garnet and Advisor Crowe take up their disagreement with the administration.”