Page 72 of Self Studies

Then do something about it.

The knife plunged deeper, piercing my tongue with its sharp tip. I screamed around it. My magic boiled behind its barrier and, in a woosh of pleasure, fled my physical form. I cut off my scream and moaned. No! I tried to yell, but nothing came out. I needed my magic.

But it left me, just like Damon had.

Damon’s laughter echoed around me. My shadow self grinned, and her blood-red eyes began to glow.

“Always mine,” Damon said.

His hand slid off my shadowy twin’s shoulder and moved to mine. He caressed my neck, running his fingers over Saffron’s hickey, making me tremble. I needed to move to do something.

I needed to help myself.

Suddenly, voices began whispering around me: some familiar, some not. Magic which didn’t belong to me or my black-robed tormentors caressed my physical body, pulling my awareness away from the illusion.

I moaned. Moments later, something hard impacted the back of my skull, and the world went black.

Chapter 11

Gasping for air, my stomach cramped as I shot to a seated position. The rough linens around my legs wrinkled in my clenched grip. I squinted, blinking as the too-bright lights of the unfamiliar room burned my dry eyes.

“I’ve already done this,” I mumbled.

I rubbed my hands over my body, confused by my lack of sore muscles. I poked the bruise on my face, and it didn’t hurt. My magic hummed behind its barrier, a little low but still there.

I let out a grateful sigh.

“You have,” Nurse Norah agreed.

I jumped, having not noticed her sitting next to me.

She stood. “I’m sure Advisor Crowe’s already on his way, so I’m going to say this fast,” the nurse continued. Her eyes held mine steady. “What you did during the Aptitudes is illegal, extremely illegal. You’re alive because, well, what you did. We also didn’t know it was possible. The MA wants to know more. You’ve been asleep for almost a day and a half.” She leaned toward me, her eyes willing me to understand. “No matter what anyone tells you, you belong here. You are your own woman. No one owns you.” Nurse Norah moved forward and put her hands on either side of my face. “Do you understand me? No one owns you.”

Before I could nod, Nurse Norah took a step back and opened the curtains. As if it broke a spell, which it probably had, the sounds of beeping, shuffling, and light conversation assaulted my ears.

Students filled the medical room. Although a few beds had curtains pulled around them, most were left exposed. Patients either lay quietly in recovery or chatted with visitors. I didn’t feel a need to shrink away, though I did look for my hoodie. Nurse Norah noticed and quickly tossed it to me.

I pulled it on over my gown.


Advisor Crowe’s slimy smile made my skin crawl. He hurried to the foot of my bed. Behind him Ram shut the curtains again.

I shifted uneasily.

“I’m so glad to see you awake,” Advisor Crowe continued.

I nodded. Unsure how to respond, and buried myself in my hoodie.

My advisor’s smile faded. “Right, you’re dressed this time, I see.” He shook a tablet in his hands. “I have your paperwork here. Put your hood down and come with me. You’ll not be leaving my sight.”

Nurse Norah sighed in frustration. “Advisor Crowe, she just woke up.”

Before either of them could say more, Professor Garnet, flanked by Saffron, slipped through the curtain.

The professor skirted around my advisor and came to my side, opposite Nurse Norah. His eyes softened, and tension drained out of his limbs upon seeing me. “Aphy, how are you feeling?”

Advisor Crow scowled. “I was taking Aphrodite for a review before she sees Doctor Roy.” He shook the plastic footboard. “Aphrodite up, now.”