Page 7 of The Dommes

Later. She knows what this place is, although it’s her first time here. Furthermore, she knows why I brought her here.

We haven’t had sex yet. This is only our second date. Don’t ask me where this ‘relationship’ is going. It’s not one yet. I’m fooling around with other women, and she’s linked with some producer in the tabloids. We’re casual right now.

Casual, but I have every intention of introducing her to what this genderqueer’s packing by the end of the night.

She laughs at one of Jem Mercier’s jokes. Her voice is mirthful, if not a bit shrill, but right now I can overlook that. (Honeymoon phase, if you will.) We’re sitting in an open area. Our tables are covered in drinks. Mostly, we’re lounging on leather couches and silk pillows that allow us to kick up our legs, fondle some thighs and breasts, and pretend that nobody gives a shit. Most of the sexy action is happening in the back, but up here it’s not unusual to see a woman stroking their date through their pants or for those same women to suddenly go topless. Stephanie isn’t gonna do that, but…

Yup. Gwenyth’s tits are out within a half hour and two drinks on her part. Jem is a lucky woman. She knows it, too, gauging how she can’t take her eyes off them and whispers shit about sucking her nipples in her ear. Get her another drink, Jem, and she might go down on you right here in front of us.

If Stephanie is uncomfortable, she’s not letting on. I pegged her as kinky, or at least curious about it, and tonight I hope to see how submissive she’s willing to go. I do love regular sex with the right one-night stand. Yet if Stephanie and I are going to keep dating, I need someone who will offer me…more, if you will.

“How’d the meeting with the Anderssens go today?” Jem asks. “Everyone’s been talking about this project of yours. And the Allens, I suppose.”

I sit up, dangling my drink between my legs since we’re talking business now. Stephanie remains beside me, sipping her drink and also trying to not stare at Gwenyth’s breasts.

“Everything went swimmingly until Kathleen Allen botched her end of the presentation.”

“Really? That doesn’t sound like her.”

“You say that, but you don’t know her as well as I do.” We’re a bit after Jem’s time. I can’t remember how old she is, exactly, but she must be mid-30s. Even I’m not thirty yet. “Kathleen can be a bit absentminded.” The woman is stressed out of her mind. I give her hell, but I’m not blind. She thinks she has a lot to prove, and I don’t doubt she almost threw up when her father assigned her that presentation.

“That’s too bad. Did you lose the bid?”

“No. Worse. The Anderssens want to get community approval on the project, so we have to present it to a public council two weeks from now.”

“Wow. Brutal.”

“We can handle it.” By “we,” I mean my father and me. No doubt my father is talking to Silas Allen right now about his daughter’s momentous fuckup earlier today. With any luck, Silas will come out of semi-retirement to deal with the next presentation.

Gwenyth wraps her hand around her partner’s knee and whispers something in her ear. Jem clears her throat. I look at Stephanie, who is politely checking her phone messages in the depths of her purse.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, tipsy Gwenyth has convinced her Domme to take her onto the empty stage and play with her. I knew the woman was an exhibitionist, and I meet Stephanie’s eyes to gauge her response.

“She’s pretty,” she says, slowly scooting toward me. There’s a magnet between us. My hand goes over hers the moment Gwenyth gets a slap on her ass and a groan in her throat. People are cheering. Why not? Every time Gwenyth is spanked, her tits jiggle, and that makes everyone happy! “This place is fun.”

My date has no idea.

We stay in the gallery long enough to watch Gwenyth be stripped naked and have her nipples clamped. The look on her face is exquisite. Pain. Pleasure. Her undying love for her Domme as Jem strokes her hair before pulling it. The moans falling from Gwenyth’s lips sound so heavenly that I can barely contain myself. I’m a woman. I’m human. Between seeing Gwenyth’s nipples harden with every spank and hearing her excitement when her Domme bites her shoulder…

“You enjoying the show?” Stephanie’s hand is on my leg. My blood is rushing to every extremity as my body realizes it’s in a room full of beautiful women who want exactly the sort of thing I serve. “Because I think you are, Ira.” Her hand bumps into something she may have anticipated but didn’t know was there until this moment. “Oh, my.” She giggles, blushing a little. “They said you liked to be a boy. Is that what I think it is?”

Be a boy? Give me a break, Steph. Just because I let you call me by the convenient pronouns of my birth doesn’t mean I “play” anything. I am that role. For every woman who can’t wait to get into my cunt, there’s another who closes her eyes and sticks her ass in the air, ready for whatever. And you know what? I give it to her because that’s why I’m there. Is it being a boy to get so riled up at a beautiful woman’s body that all I want to do is fuck her hard and fast? With whatever the hell my pocketbook buys me to get me in that mood?

Yeah, didn’t think so. But you don’t know that about me yet, Steph. It’s only the second date, and we’re casual. I’ll let things go for now. Only if we start to get more serious, if I feel like opening up parts of my soul to you, will I explain my simple but complex relationship with gender. So, yeah, I’m packing. And, yeah, I’m the kind of rich bitch who can afford the top-of-the-line prosthetics that make me feel perfectly masculine before I let you literally dress me down and see the more feminine side of my soul.

Despite what weirdos on social media may speculate, I’m fine with certain people calling me a woman, Steph. I’m a lesbian who does not ascribe to any of society’s definitions of what my vagina says about me. But you know what? I’ll be the man of your dreams tonight if that’s what it takes to get me laid. You don’t have to acknowledge my cunt one iota if all you want is the familiar phallic representation that money buys a non-binary butch like me.

Just give me a moment to get the fun-time rod out of the little bag I brought with me…

“Why don’t you find out what it is?” I take her hand and direct it toward my pants. I don’t have to explain. Stephanie May, one of the hottest actresses in the world right now, has her hand in my pants and is purring in my ear. Now I’m 100% understanding what guys say when they talk about being aroused, and it’s killing me. Killing me! Like my stupid nipples want to pierce through three layers of clothing and beg to be sucked killing me. Everything beneath the base of my prosthetic is hot like fire and wetter than the sweat dripping beneath my tight clothes. Now, that’s the real shit that puts me in let’s go mode.

Don’t listen to what Kathleen tells you. I’ve had twelve years since the incident to learn how to mitigate any situation with candor and grace. And I can.

So it’s no problem for Stephanie to be nibbling on my ear and stroking my packer through my pants while I watch Gwenyth have her clit rubbed to erupting orgasm on the stage. We’re in a sex club, for fuck’s sake. Plenty of these people have seen me being pleasured before. The tabloids are always running stories about me, one of the world’s most eligible bachelors (do not call me a bachelorette), getting laid by this model or that businessman’s hot daughter. Sometimes they’re true. Usually, they’re… exaggerated.

Stephanie May unzipping my pants and moving her lips from my ear to whatever the fuck I’ve got going on down there, however, is not an exaggeration. She doesn’t even care that I could make it better with the rod in my bag. She’s going for it like she’s been waiting all night.

I don’t care who sees us. Stephanie is hot, relevant, and I’m not gonna lie, boosting my ego as much as she’s easing the tension in my body. I hear her murmur in surprise at how easy it is to get around my extensions of myself and go straight for my cunt, always lurking in wait. Oh, I’m wet? I smell good? Having something to grasp while she pleasures me in public is a huge turn-on? That’s right. I don’t care what the fuck she sucks or licks as long as this foreplay eventually takes us to one of the back rooms where I can show her where all of this goes in her.