Page 8 of The Dommes

Stephanie’s beautiful blond hair is falling to the side, covering my knees as her hand braces against my thigh. I glance between Gwenyth’s erotic high and the mischievous look on an actress’s face as she pretends this isn’t her first time doing this. She is a good actress, after all.

I don’t want to disturb her beautiful hair. She looks so perfect, that to touch any part of her would upset this wonderful vision… but I want to touch her. I want to rub her skin and comb my fingers through that gorgeous blond hair. I’ve always had a thing for blondes. Something about the shade sticks out in such a pleasant way and gives my eye a treat. There are beautiful brunettes in this world, sure, but I love seeing a head of blond moving through the dark.

I lean my elbow against the chair. My hair feels frustratingly soft between my fingers, and it’s because every touch to me right now is making me inch closer to coming. I’m tempted to give Stephanie what she wants, which is my lack of control. The idea is even more tempting when she makes a cheeky comment about how pink my face is right now.

My gaze moves upward for a split second. That second is all I need to catch someone staring at me from a private balcony.

Kathleen. Allen.

I didn’t know she was here. Why didn’t you tell me? That makes everything interesting.

She doesn’t know I’m looking back at her yet. But she’s staring. What is it, Kathleen? Waiting for me to show a lack of control? It’s not gonna happen. I’m in total control here. Now that I know you’re playing the voyeur up there? I’m even more determined.

My hand strokes the top of Stephanie’s hand. She’s good at what she does, Kathleen. I’m not saying you wouldn’t be good, but I have a hard time imagining you like this…

You’re both blonde, though. Blonde and svelte. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine it’s you instead of Stephanie. You’d be impressed, really. It’s too bad you didn’t get to feel me inside you all those years ago. My finesse has improved since then, of course, but even at seventeen I had a good idea of what I was doing. You would’ve writhed against that wall like the best of them, your tits in my face and that pretty blond hair tangling behind your head.

Oh, damn. I’m close.

Is this turning you on, Kathleen? Do you like watching another woman put her mouth all over me? Is it getting you excited? Making your nipples tingle? Do you wish you were either one of us? Or, shit, do you wish you were with Stephanie? I bet she’d look just as hot between your legs as she does between mine.

Kathleen? What are you…

Ha! Here I am, higher than heaven, drinking one of the best glasses of scotch I’ve ever had in my life, with a hot, young movie star giggling between my thighs and fantasizing about me showing her all my tricks. And here I am, having this all happen to me, while Kathleen fucking Allen flips me off from her private balcony.

I guess she saw my gaze after all.

“That’s enough.” I tug on Stephanie’s hair to get her to let up. Her lips kiss my stomach before she smiles at me, clearly pleased with the effect she’s had on me. Yes, very admirable, but I’ve got other plans for us. “How about we get some privacy?”

She kisses my lips, her tongue flicking against mine. She smells like berries. I don’t know what perfume this is, but I like it. “Whatever you want,” she softly says. “I’m yours.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” I squeeze her shoulder as she covertly puts me back in my pants so I can walk through the club without everyone in the scene knowing my favorite brand of packer. (It’s the Avalon, by the way.) “You into what I told you about?” Stephanie knows I’m into BDSM. I told her she didn’t have to do anything she didn’t like, especially since she’s inexperienced beyond some spanking and dirty talk. I always like to go easy the first time.

“Sure… ma’am? Sir? Oh, god, what do I call you?”

I chuckle. “Anything but ma’am. Beyond that, whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“How about sir? I’ve never called a woman sir before.”

She can call me Your Royal Highness for all I care. I just want to get in that skirt! “I don’t mind at all.”

We walk, my arm around her waist. I hail one of the employees and ask for a key to a private room. They’re almost filled up, and as we go down the back hallway I hear one woman crying out in such pleasure that Stephanie delightfully shivers in my grip.

The moment I close the door to our room behind us, I have her against the wall, my mouth on her throat and my hips begging to hump her thighs.

“I’m ready, sir,” she tells me, enjoying a bit of roleplay. “Please, go for it.”

I slowly undress her, running my tongue over her round breasts and inhaling the scent of her arousal as it emanates from her bare thighs. “You need to beg better than that, Precious,” I tell her. I turn her around, pressing her against the wall as I rip off her dress and squeeze her firm ass. “I’m gonna fuck you right now. And then we’ll play.”

She’s shuddering, nipples brushing against the wall. I open my bag and grab the rod for my prosthetic, inserting it before Stephanie has a chance to miss my touch. She moans, shrinking before me as she begins to fulfill the role of my favorite submissive. Her ass is hard against my front as I slip it between her folds. She’s hot, wet, and so damned tight at this angle that it takes two attempts to find her depths.

I’m ready to disappear into bliss. And I do, my nose burying in that pretty blond hair. As I growl against her throat and thrust into her from behind, I think…

I think back to that woman watching me from her balcony, irate, but turned on.

Kathleen Allen, I don’t know why you’re in my head right now, but I’ll take it. I’ll think about you while I fuck this starlet until she shows me the definition of multiple orgasms. I’ll think of your flustered, flushed face as my body consumes another woman, making her shriek against the wall as her heat opens up to take everything I’m offering her.

After all, I’m fantasizing that you’re in this room, watching. I don’t know why, but I am.