“You’re not going to throw Nash under the bus, Sean.”
Nash took the paper out of my hand. He seemed to be reading the entire paper, whereas I hadn’t gotten beyond the title.
“Hear me out.” Sean held up his hand.
“Oh, shit! Are you kidding about this? Her husband, Senator Turner, knew about her business the whole time and used her services quite often free of charge. And Blaire Conner was one of her boys back in the day? How do you know that?” Nash was completely stunned, as was I, at the news.
“Will Nash’s name come up in the interview? Who’s doing it?” It was kind of vengeful of me to encourage Sean to do the interview, but only if Nash wasn’t mentioned. Man, I’d pay money to see that shit on purpose.
“No. Here’s how this came about. I was at Penn Quarter having a steak sandwich one night when Caroline came in and sat at the bar next to me. She got two glasses of Chardonnay and shotgunned them one after the other before she turned and smiled at me.”
I only knew Caroline Turner from functions we’d attended while I was in the Senate. I didn’t have long conversations with her, just a friendly hello and an air-kiss on each cheek. Vanessa didn’t like her at all.
I nodded and Sean continued. “I asked how her day was, and she told me her husband was a lying cheater. She showed me pictures of him with a woman a quarter of his age, the two of them in a small apartment Turner was keeping for her on the Hill. She explained her suspicions to me, and then she explained her business to me, which everyone knows in town, and she said she wanted to burn him. When she mentioned Blaire Conner was a good friend and he would back up her accusations because they were besties and told each other everything, I went into publicist mode.”
I chuckled. “Obviously, they didn’t tell each other everything if she didn’t know you and Blaire were an item.”
Sean gave a humorless chuckle. “True. So, she agreed to sit down with a journalist friend of mine and answer questions I had prepared. I want it done before you officially start working for me, so there’s no tie to you, Spencer, and I won’t allow her to use Nash’s name in the interview.” That was a relief.
Nash released a heavy sigh, squeezing my arm again. “Thank you, Sean. I appreciate you keeping me out of it because I don’t want my past to come back on Spencer.” His sincerity made my heart clench.
Sean chuckled. “Just my luck. It shoulda been me instead of Spencer. Give me a second.” Sean stood and walked out of the restaurant.
My attention turned to Nash. “My love, I’m grateful you talked me down. I know you may not find this complimentary, but you’re like Vani in the way you remind me that I have people I want to protect in life. You are the man I’ve craved my whole life. Please, please, don’t try to leave me again.” My eyes teared without my consent.
Nash took his napkin and pressed it against my eyes with a sweet smile. “I won’t bring it up again. I love you.”
“I know, and I love you too.”
I noticed Sean coming through the restaurant with a very attractive woman following behind in precariously tall heels. She appeared to be quite sophisticated and looked familiar, though I couldn’t place her.
“Naomi!” Nash stood and walked over to the woman, who hugged him in return.
The two spoke quietly until Nash led her to the table with a big grin. “Senator Spencer Brady, this is Naomi Chu. She’s the Event Coordinator for the Four Seasons Hotel. I’ve worked with her several times for parties Sean has hosted, among others. Naomi, this is my friend, Senator Brady.”
I stood and extended my hand to the young woman, finally placing her. She’d consulted with Vani for an anniversary party for her old real estate firm. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Ms. Chu.”
The woman smiled and shook my hand. “It’s nice to see you again, Senator. How is Mrs. Brady?”
I glanced at Nash, who chuckled. “Vani’s incredible. She’s getting ready to move to New York in pursuit of new opportunities. Sit, please.” Nash should have been a politician. He handled that question like a pro.
Ms. Chu joined us, and the server brought her a glass of ice water and poured her a coffee. Sean took his seat and grinned. “Naomi, do you have something you wanted to discuss with Nash?”
Ms. Chu turned to Nash and smiled. “I’ve worked with you more than once for events here at the Four Seasons. We have an opening for a junior event coordinator that I’d like to offer to you. You’ve already proven yourself valuable to me the times we’ve worked together. I have no doubt your work is exemplary.
“Here’s the package Four Seasons is prepared to offer you, Nash. I’d love to have you on my staff. Think about it and call me after the first of the year.” Ms. Chu handed over a folder and stood. We all shook hands before she left us.
Sean motioned for the server. “Shall we order, gentlemen? I’m starving.”
We ordered breakfast, and when we left Sean that morning, I had a better feeling about my future than I’d had before the election. I accepted that my time in the Senate was over, and I was fine with it.
My future was wide open, and I couldn’t wait to see what was next.